He has been standing up on his own for a few weeks now. By that I mean he will be sitting on the floor and stand up on his won without steadying himself on anything. Then he will stand and smile a big smile like he is soooo proud of himself!
He is still to scared to just take off and walk though. He will do the transfer from one piece of furniture to the next, but stops short of actually walking across the floor. But today I did see him take 4 or 5 steps while he was concentrating on holding some cars in his hands. It is just a matter of time before he takes off. It is so exciting!
As for me.... I am taking some steps towards becoming more healthy. In the past 8 years I have spent 3yrs pregnant and another 4yrs+ breastfeeding. In those same 8 years my weight has fluctuated up and down by 50 pounds. I lose weight while I am pregnant and then gain it back while I am nursing. Then lose it when I wean but then I usually get pregnant again. Lather rinse repeat.... until now. No more babies will be born from me. Harlie will be weaned within a year, probably closer to 8 months. This is the beginning of me reclaiming my body for me. It is about time!
So my first step started last night.... No more eating after dinner! I am a snacker. I love to snack in the evenings. Now this wouldn't be too bad if I was snacking on carrot sticks, but we all know that I'm not snacking on carrot sticks! I tend to get busy online or reading a book and realize after it is too late that I ate half a bag of chips or way too many Hershey kisses! So Baby Step #1 is no eating after 8pm.
Second baby step is no more soda. Or at least no more regular soda. I might have to break down and drink diet on occasion. I drink soda out of convenience. I will be planning ahead and making herbal ice tea or keeping fresh lemons and limes on hand to refresh plain water.
And third baby step is to get regular exercise. This is a big step on many levels. Let me explain.... I have tried many times to get on a regular routine of exercising. But that would usually involve me taking kids with me on a walk or bike ride. We even have done exercise DVDs in the living room. Or occasionally I would sneak away for a walk on my own while Tim watched the kids. But these occasions because less and less frequent and when I did exercise with my kids it was a lot of catering to their speed/ability and thus my workout suffered. I had a hard time getting into a rhythm of even walking when I was stopping to tie a shoe, get a sippy cup or yell at one of the kids to stay to the right to avoid the cars. It was honestly more of a hassle to go then to just stay at home. And it was not enjoyable. at. all.
And really this is a symptom of the bigger issue in my life... I just don't take time for me. I used to think that it was Tim's responsibility to make sure I got my time. But now I realize that he is fighting for his own time. Asking him to take over for me so I can get time really takes away from his time too. And that breds resentment and anger between us. Obviously we are a team, and we each need blocks of time to just do what we need to do to recharge. Tim and I do a pretty good job of doing that when time allows. But what we are both realizing is that it is just not enough. We need to take time a few times a week to recharge not a few times a month. And given Tim's work schedule and the kids school schedule, Tim does not have enough hours in his week to give me the time I need. I need to fulfill this need with in myself on my own. I need to find a way to exercise and take care of me that does not effect Tim's schedule in any way.
As the kids have gotten older I now have a great opportunity for some time to myself or at least time when I only have to deal with 1 child. Kaleb & Jasmyn are in full day school this year. Mason is in half day Preschool Monday -Thursday. Suddenly I had an actual shot at making a change for the better. I had more options because I only have Harlie to occupy.
My friend Char had told me about her gym. So today I decided to check it out. They had a family plan with unlimited day care included for a very reasonable price. The gym has lots of amenities... pool, sauna, hot tub, big locker rooms with private shower areas, tanning beds, weight room, cardio machines, circuit training, spin classes, aqua Zumba classes, a full basket ball court and an on site day care! And I am sure I am forgetting things too. So Tim and I joined the gym today. Woot!
Baby Step # 3 is to get to gym at least 3 times per week!
I plan to blog about this journey I am on as I walk it. I hope that you all offer me support and encouragement! I am sure I will need it!