January 1, 1996 - June 15, 2011
May you rest in peace.
I bought Kali for Tim as a Valentine's Gift in 1996. She joined us at home at my Grandma's house with our other cat Zoe. Zoe and Kali became inseparable and went on to have 6 kittens and grow old together. Zoe preceded Kali in death in July 2009.

As a kitten Kali was smaller than the average kitten. She was feisty despite being smaller than Zoe. I loved her cream colored strip on her nose and the way that her eyes looked like someone outlined them with eyeliner.
Kali's favorite place to cat nap was above my head on my pillow. Well anyone's head really. I remember Grandma making us lock her down stairs with us at night so that she would not "nest in my hair". Kali continued to enjoy sleeping on my pillow for the duration of her life.
Zoe and Kali had a love affair. They were together every day until Zoe died. They bathed each other. Played with each other. Shared everything. When Kali went into her first heat Zoe was the only one around to make babies with! LOL! We had thought up until then that Zoe was a female cat. Ha! Weren't we surprised when 60 days later Kali had 6 kittens. When Kali went into labor with her kittens she climbed onto my pillow and would slowly purr with each contraction. She was very calm and content to be petted and loved on. I got to witness all 6 babies come into the world. Kali was a good momma. She cleaned each one off and let it begin to nurse. She was super protective of her kittens. She would not let Zoe around them until the kittens eyes were open and they could walk with ease.
Tim, Zoe, Kali and her kittens
Once the kittens were grown and gone out into the world to good homes Kali and Zoe settled back into their routine. Their love and companionship being the constant.
May you rest in peace.
I bought Kali for Tim as a Valentine's Gift in 1996. She joined us at home at my Grandma's house with our other cat Zoe. Zoe and Kali became inseparable and went on to have 6 kittens and grow old together. Zoe preceded Kali in death in July 2009.

As a kitten Kali was smaller than the average kitten. She was feisty despite being smaller than Zoe. I loved her cream colored strip on her nose and the way that her eyes looked like someone outlined them with eyeliner.

Tim, Zoe, Kali and her kittens

A few years ago Kali was diagnosed with Mammary cancer. The Vet said that cats that have had kittens and nursed them are at a higher risk to get mammary cancer. She asked me if Kali had been spayed. She had been but not before she became a mother. Who knew that allowing her to have kittens way back then would potentially kill her today? I don't think Kali would have had it any other way. She loved her kittens and was sad to see them leave. We decided to treat her cancer with surgery. 6 months after the surgery the cancer reoccurred and we had another surgery and then another. She did well for about 1 year. Then I noticed a small lump on her tummy again. We waited and watched. It grew very slowly over 4-6 months. Then in a few weeks time it grew so fast. The Vet said that it is likely on the 4th re-occurrance that the cancer is spread throughout her body. We could run some expensive tests but the prognosis was not good. We choose to take her home and provide hospice care.
She got fancy soft food. The kids were extra gentle with her. She got lifted onto our bed to nap. She got extra pets and love. She was spoiled rotten!
But then I noticed she wasn't enjoying things like she used to. She no longer had the strength to jump up on the ledge where we kept her food (away from Harlie). She no longer slept on my pillow at night. She stopped cleaning herself. She started to limp. She stopped purring. She stopped eating.
It was time.
I made the appointment with the Vet. I told the kids very gently that she was going to die. I told them she would go peacefully. I asked them if they wanted to go with me to the Vet. We took pictures. Tons of pictures. I cried. I looked through my photo albums for pictures of her. I started writing this blog entry. I cried again. I held her and pet her and rubbed her under her chin and between her ears. She rubbed me back. I cried into her fur. The kids got home from school. They cried. Kaleb helped me find a box that will be her casket. We covered it in brown paper. The kids decorated it. We found a soft blanket to put inside of it. Kaleb asked me questions about caskets and pillow when people die. We took more pictures.

It was time to leave for the Vet. Kaleb wants to go with me. He wants to hold her paw when she dies. I hold Kali in a towel while I drive. She doesn't fight me. We get to the Vet office. We all cry. Kaleb decides he doesn't want to be with her after all. He says goodbye and pets her one last time and heads to the waiting room. I cradle her head in my hand and kiss her head. I whisper softly how much I love her and wish her well on her journey. The Vet pushes the medicine. Almost instantly her head relaxes in my hand. Peaceful transition.
Kaleb comes back in a gives another pet. We gather her up in a box and carry her to the car. Kaleb insists on holding her in his lap. We arrive home. Jasmyn Mason Harlie and Tim say goodbye. We all cry. Kaleb wants her collar for a keepsake. I remove it and give it to him. It is raining outside. Kaleb and I take her to the hole Tim has prepared. Kaleb puts her in the ground and we use shovels to bury her. Tim comes out to hold an umbrella. We say goodbye again and it is done.
Kali and Jen
Forever in my heart.
Forever in my heart.