June 5, 2009

TL or Big V?????

Yes we are D-O-N-E after our little bundle of joy is born. I was sitting here this morning watching a program on TLC called "A Baby Story". It showed this family that already had 5 children and she unexpectedly got pregnant at the age of 42 with their 6th child. It sent shivers down my spine. I think if that happened to us Tim would totally panic and need a jump start to get his heart going again! LOL! So it kinda jump started my thought process on what we are gonna do to prevent future baby Brays.

So why would we choose something so *permanent*? Well because the other options are just not all that great. Bear with me as I go over the options as much for myself as for your reading enjoyment(LOL)!!!

Hormonal birth control. This includes birth control pills, patches, rings, implants, as well as hormonal IUDs. I do not do well on these options. My blood pressure gets out of control and I get bad migraines. These symptoms are what made me go off the pill back in December of 2000. Oh not to mention I have mood swings from *HELL* on hormonal birth control. Heaven help us all!!!!

IUDs. Well to make a long story short I have a moral objection to how IUDs prevent implantation of the baby and thus preventing pregnancy. So the egg and sperm can still meet (and thus create a life) but the IUD prevents implantation. I have a moral objection to this method of birth control.

Barrier methods, sponges, film, etc... Do I even need to go here? I mean who really like taking a shower with a raincoat on? Not to mention there is a breakage factor.

Lastly is the Fertility Awareness Method. This method is what we have used since I went off Birth control pills in December of 2000. I of course love this method for myself during my childbearing years. But now that I am wanting to move beyond those years.....I want a more *for sure* method. Tim & I were always OK with the possibility of getting pregnant unexpectedly (in theory anyway LOL!) during the years between Kaleb and baby #4. But now...I am so NOT OK with that possibility! LOL! Which brings us to......

TL (tubal ligation) or Big V (vasectomy)!
Of course I would rather have Tim do the Big V since the procedure itself is easier on him that the TL for me. And hey let's face it..... I have birthed 3 going on 4 babies while his only complaint was sore feet and legs from standing on the hard hospital floor! LOL! So yeah.... I have taken 3 going on 4 hits for the team, it seems fair that he takes at LEAST 1! LOL!

Which leads us to the final issue...... Money and time to recuperate. For me to have a TL it would be covered more completely by Insurance. Not to mention I am already gonna be recovering from my birth. Tim on the other hand to have the Big V done would cost us more money out of pocket (he had different Ins than me) and it would also require him to be off work during his recovery. Tim is our "bread winner". We need him to work so we can do things like .... eat, pay our mortgage, buy gas, etc..... So the idea of him taking a week or more off to recover is just not very appealing! And we want him to use any available vacation time to spend with us as I recover after our birth.

So which leads me to seriously consider a TL. My Mom got a TL when I was about 2 or 3 (I think) and had NO problems. But since my mom (and maybe one of my aunts) pretty much the rest of our family has opted for the men to get the big V rather than the women to get a TL.

So this morning I schedule a consult with a OB that does TL and is covered by my Insurance. The consult is not until July, but I guess I will go to my consultation and see what our options are. And we will also go to a consult on getting Tim a big V.

Wish us luck!!!!


Unknown said...

I had a TL because Troy is scared crapless of needles, etc. I must admit, it was not that bad, I was back to work within a week, and it was something that I was comfortable with doing at that point in time. If Tim is already going to be home after the birth of baby #4, and you can set up your surgery for right after you have the baby, why not kill two birds with one stone?

What I have personally learned though, is before you do a TL, the dcotors office have you sign a sheet stating that you cannot have the surgery for like another 60-90 days, so check into that. Because my doctor did not take me seriously, thinking I was to young at 24, and he thought I was to hormonal to be making a decision like that, he refused to let me sign anything until Zach was almost 3 months old. Then I had double recovery. Look into that with your doctor as well.

Any way that you go, it'll be the decision that you will need to be comfortable with. I hope you all the best.

Crystal D. said...

I had the TL after Hanna and there are days I wish I hadn't but ya know I am glad I did especially now with all that has happened I couldn't handle a new baby. I do sometimes wish I could but that is normal. I had to wait 30 days b4 I got mine done if you are seriously not wanting anymore you should also look into the ablation while they do the tubes. It is a more permanent procedure but that means NO more periods!!! I love that lol. If ya wanna talk give me a call!!