I had a Midwife appointment last week and it occurred to me that I have not posted the results on that here yet. I also have received the final test results on my Glucose Tolerance Test as well! So here goes!
My MW Appt was on Aug 25th with nmy MW Linda. I was 34w2d pregnant at that time. I have gained 3 pounds since my last appointment 2 weeks ago. My urine was negative for glucose and protein. I rocked my Blood pressure at 112/64! It has been very consistent my whole pregnancy! I am very happy about that. In my past pregnancies that has not always been the case. Linda measured my fundus and it is still measuring a bit ahead at 37cm. It should be around 34cm, but 37 is within the range of normal. The biggest thing Linda is looking for is to make sure it is still growing. I had a 7 cm growth spurt between 24-28 weeks and since then it has leveled out and I have been growing 1 cm a week like expected. I think that is pretty normal for my kids. We listened to the baby's heart rate and it was in the 120's. Jasmyn came with me to the appointment, so I captured her hearing the baby's heart rate on video using my cell phone. Click below to hear it!
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