My urine screen came back negative for both Glucose and Protein. I have gained 1/2 a pound since last week. My blood pressure is a bit higher than my normal but still within average range at 132/72. The baby is doing great! His heart rate was in the 140's. He is growing and my fundus is measuring at about 41cm. This little stinker is still posterior, but we are hoping he will turn when I am in labor... when ever that may be.
I did have my MW check my cervix and also strip my membranes. Stripping of membranes can be read about here if you have questions as to what she did. So my cervix is dilated to 4cm (out of 10cm) and was 40% effaced (out of 100%) and the baby is sitting at -2 station. My cervix is easily reachable which is an improvement from last week where she really had to reach for it. And my cervical texture is soft and stretchy. SO all of these things are an improvement from last week's check. And she did the membrane stripping so hopefully that will help things get started.
I have been having cramping and some contractions since then. Tim, the kids and I went to dinner and then when we got home we took the kids on a bike ride/walk. Tim walked, the kids rode bikes and I waddled! LOL! Really I don't know what else to do to get labor going. My house is ready. My floors are clean. My birth team is ready to go. Tim did not work tonight. I have been having contractions. I took a 1.5 mile walk. I have eaten well, stayed hydrated, and am well rested. Everyone keeps telling me to have sex..... ummmm well that isn't a very comfortable situation at this point.... so I am not sure what to do! LOL!
I probably just need to wait it out. baby will be here soon I am sure. My MW did not even make me another appointment because she is convinced I will go into labor on my own before next Tuesday. I guess we shall see if she is right.
Tim has a theory that I always have my babies on odd number days. Kaleb =29, Jasmyn =15, Mason =19. So tomorrow is the 7th.... so maybe then. I say that if I went into labor right now I would probably birth after midnight which would be on the 7th! LOL!
Tomorrow is Jasmyn's Pumpkin Patch field trip. Part of me wants her to be able to go. So maybe I will go into labor after that! She will be home by 11:40am.
Keep your fingers crossed that I will do something soon! And in the meantime.... here is my 40wk belly picture! Enjoy!

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