March 12, 2010

Harlan's 1st Solids

Harlan is 5 months old and seemed like he was interested in what we are eating. He watches the fork from our plates to our mouths and drools. LOL! He has been doing this for a few weeks now. He can sit up when supported and has good head control. And he is very expressie when he is unhappy and can convey when he has had enough! All of these things are signs of readiness for solids. A few days ago we decided to try to introduce solids to him. So I smashed up some bananas and mixed some organic whole grain rice cereal with some formula for him. Tim got ready with the camera. We were little over zealous considering what happened next!

His first bite!
It did not go over well. He was NOT inpressed with it AT ALL.

Notice his little frown.
This is NOT the face of a child loving solids.

But we tried a few more spoon fuls.

And he made it CLEAR it was done with it by arching his back and tying to get away from me.
He did like it when I let him hold the spoon.

And he enjoyed chewing on it!

So we will wait a few more weeks to try again. In the mean time I am letting him chew on the spoon when he watches us eat dinner. And I am gonna start putting him in his high chair (as soon as the seat cover gets finished) during meal times as well. Hopefully these things will help him get excited about eating solids.
Also one of my online friends gave me a link about allowing babies to feed themsleves instead of spoon feeding them purees. It is an interesting concept for sure. Here is the link in case anyone is interested.

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