Here is Kaleb on the first day of school! He is wearing his "kindergarten smile"!
Jasmyn is in ECEAP. ECEAP is what "HeadStart" was for me when I was her age. Early Childhood Education and Assessment Program. It is run by the school district. Kaleb and Future were in this program last year. Jasmyn is a bit slower in transition to be in the school alone. Last year she went to preschool from Feb to June, but Future was in her class. This year she is alone. Well I say alone, but really there are about 4 or 5 returning preschoolers from her class last year in her class this year. So really she isn't "alone", but she is alone in that no one from her family attends with her. Her teachers are the same as well. We feel very blessed to have her back in Ms Casey's class with Ms. Melissa and Ms Carole. These ladies are just wonderful and really love Jasmyn! We are thrilled that Jasmyn is back in the same program.
Here is Jasmyn on her 1st day of school! She looks so big!
And of course we had to get a group shot so Mason wouldn't feel left out! He is still a few years away from preschool!
This year is going to be about me letting go I think! LOL! Last year in the ECEAP program that Kaleb, Future and Jasmyn were in, parental involvement is a crucial part of the program. They level of my involvement will continue with Jasmyn in her ECEAP program. Kaleb on the other hand will not get the benefit of my involvement in his daily schooling. His school principal told the parents at orientation that for the first 6 weeks of school we are not allowed to volunteer in the class or school. They feel that we parents will disrupt the progress of the children learning to follow rules, procedures and also learning to see the teachers and principals as authority figures. Well they didn't actually come out and say those exact words, but the message was the same! LOL! Not only that but we have to pick up our kindergartners out side of the school. So no chatting with the teacher or seeing the classroom. We pick up and drop off in a valet line outside. The first day of school I tried to go inside to pick him up and the principal would not let me past the double doors! LOL! I kinda feel sad because I really got to know the preschool teachers last year just from pick up and drop off. It is amazing that the 5 minutes a day of small talk can really ease your mind about leaving your kids with them. I really believe that the kindergarten rules are more for getting the parents to let go of the reins or "cut the cord" so to speak than it is for the kids! LOL! Or at least that is the case for this Mom!
Kaleb, Jasmyn & Mason have never been left with any other adult that wasn't a parent, grandma or close friend for any amount of time. I mean we have babysitters like Katie, Roselyn, Katie and Shay, but they watch the kids for a few hours at a time a few times a week. Kaleb has never been away from me for any length of time ever in his little life. Neither have Jasmyn or Mason. So it was as difficult for ME to leave them the first day of school as it was for them. So being able to volunteer in the classroom last year eased my mind as much as theirs.
This year with Kaleb in Kindergarten will be lesson in letting go. I am not sure I like it so far. But he seems to be thriving in it and adjusting quite well. I am happy for him and proud of him. But at the same time.... a bit sad for me! My babies are growing up!
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