November 21, 2008

I've been tagged

Thanks Megan for tagging me! So I guess I am supposed to write 6 unsuspected things about myself. This might be hard since I tend to be an open book.... hmmmmm

1. Once I switched to "Diet" soda I actually prefer diet Coke to Diet Pepsi. It surprised me too since I can't stand regular Coke but LOVE regular Pepsi.

2. My house may look all neat and clean on the surface... but my closets, drawers and rooms with locks may or may not be in TOTAL disarray!

3. I do not wear perfume. Tim hates it. I was so glad when he told me because I hate it too! It relieved my guilt of not wearing it!

4. I have 1 tattoo. It was very pretty when I got it 16 years ago. Now it looks like a bruise with flames coming off it! LOL! I am not in a huge hurry to get another one, but if I did I would fix the current one first before adding another.

5. I have to make my bed everyday. Even if it is only 2 minutes before I climb into it, I have to straighten the covers and smooth the sheets and fluff the pillows before I can sleep well. I also make my kids make their beds everyday. Besides, a room looks "pulled together" once the bed it made (see #2).

6. I only wear 2 pieces of jewelry. My wedding ring that Tim got from my Grandma. A pair of diamond earrings (the diamond is *almost* big enough to see. LOL!) that Tim bought me for Christmas the second year we were married. I have not taken them out of my ears once (other than for cleaning) since.

And since I know nobody else that blogs, I guess I can't tag anyone else. Sorry but this little game has to stop with me! LOL!

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