July 19, 2009

Pregnancy Update 9

It is that time again to update you guys after my last Midwife appointment! My Appointment was on Tuesday July 14th. I saw my Midwife Linda. And my Mom was able to come with me as well to the appointment. She was very excited to hear the baby's heart beat. It was fun to take her with me.

Anyway...on to the details: I was 28 weeks 2 day pregnant at the time of my appointment. I have gained 2 pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago. But I am still about 15 below my pre-pregnancy weight. My glucose and protein tests came back negative. My blood pressure is AWESOME at 112/60! Woot! The baby also sounded AWESOME at 130 beats per minute! Mom was amazed at how loud and strong his heart beat is.

Now come the part I am most miserable about! LOL! MW Linda measured my fundus. Basically this is a measurement from the top of my pubic bone to the top of my uterus. at my appointment 4 weeks ago I was measuring right on schedule at 24 cm. But at this appointment I was measuring BIGGER than normal! LOL! I have... well baby and I have grown 7 cm in 4 weeks! Holy Moly! that is ALOT! No wonder I feel like a whale! So my fundus measurement is 31cm. Typically a pregnant belly grows roughlt 1 cm per week of pregnancy. Growing 7 cm is about 3 cm too much!!!!

Now of course the MW is pleased that the baby is growing and that I am not gaining too much weight. She was totally unconcerned that I am measuring ahead. I am only upset about it because I feel like a whale! LOL! Anyway, she also said that she felt that I would even out in the next few weeks. We shall see I guess!

Linda also drew some blood to test for RH antibodies, iron levels and my thyroid panel. I will get the results sometime next week. She also gave me an injection of rhogam because I am RH -.

I have also reached the milestone of the 3rd Trimester. So now my appointments are every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks. My next appointment is on July 28th. I will also be doing my glucose tolerance test at that appointment. Yuck!

Here is my most recent Belly pictures as well. We took these pictures last night! 29 weeks baby!

You can also see my comparison picture on the right hand side of the blog. -------->

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