My MW Appt was on Aug 25th with nmy MW Linda. I was 34w2d pregnant at that time. I have gained 3 pounds since my last appointment 2 weeks ago. My urine was negative for glucose and protein. I rocked my Blood pressure at 112/64! It has been very consistent my whole pregnancy! I am very happy about that. In my past pregnancies that has not always been the case. Linda measured my fundus and it is still measuring a bit ahead at 37cm. It should be around 34cm, but 37 is within the range of normal. The biggest thing Linda is looking for is to make sure it is still growing. I had a 7 cm growth spurt between 24-28 weeks and since then it has leveled out and I have been growing 1 cm a week like expected. I think that is pretty normal for my kids. We listened to the baby's heart rate and it was in the 120's. Jasmyn came with me to the appointment, so I captured her hearing the baby's heart rate on video using my cell phone. Click below to hear it!
Pretty cool, huh?!?!?!
I also got the results of my GTT. Basically I body did just fine with the glucose overload! My numbers were fine so my MW Linda and my Dr. of endocrinology Dr. L both agreed that I do not have Gestational Diabetes!!!! So everything seems like it is going well. My next appointment is the 9th of September. My primary MW Linda is taking the month of September off to get married and go on her honeymoon so her MW partner Beth will be covering all the on call for the month of September and some of October. So Beth figured that since she has never been to my house that she should come and do a home visit so that she can find my house, see how it is set up and check to make sure I have all my birth supplies in order. I am excited for my homevisit simply because it is milestone that shows that I am close to the end of my pregnancy and getting to meet my baby! After my Home visit I will then start seeing the MW for prenatal appointments on a weekly basis. Eek! It is getting close! I am both excited and a bit anxious!
In preparation for my upcoming home visit Tim and I have been getting our house and the birth supplies ready! It is exciting!!!! We have the supplies in a 3 drawer portable dresser in our dinning room. The birth pool is filled with air and stored in our basement ready for my birthing time. We have the faucet adapter on the kitchen sink to hook the hose up to fill our birthing pool. I have the baby's clothes folded and put away. I bought diapers for baby! And Oh My Goodness those things are tiny! Mason is still in diapers/pullups but there is a BIG DIFFERENCE in size between a newborn diaper and a 2T/3T pullup! But we are getting things together and I am relaxing more and more as each item is checked off the to do list!
So I thought I would leave you with a belly picture! This is my 34 week belly picture!