August 31, 2009
Pregnancy Update # 12
My MW Appt was on Aug 25th with nmy MW Linda. I was 34w2d pregnant at that time. I have gained 3 pounds since my last appointment 2 weeks ago. My urine was negative for glucose and protein. I rocked my Blood pressure at 112/64! It has been very consistent my whole pregnancy! I am very happy about that. In my past pregnancies that has not always been the case. Linda measured my fundus and it is still measuring a bit ahead at 37cm. It should be around 34cm, but 37 is within the range of normal. The biggest thing Linda is looking for is to make sure it is still growing. I had a 7 cm growth spurt between 24-28 weeks and since then it has leveled out and I have been growing 1 cm a week like expected. I think that is pretty normal for my kids. We listened to the baby's heart rate and it was in the 120's. Jasmyn came with me to the appointment, so I captured her hearing the baby's heart rate on video using my cell phone. Click below to hear it!
Mother's Blessing Part 4: Tying Hands with Yarn
The last piece of this Mother's Blessing was the tying of our hands with yarn. It was a way to unite us all in love and support around myself and the baby. A way of recognizing that we are all connected by the ancient women who came before us, who were strong and wise, that birthed the way Nature intended.... free from restrictions, interventions and surrounded by their village of women offering them support as they brought forth their babies. Below is Sara's description of what tying hands of yarns is, why we do it and how to do it:
We sit in a circle around Jen, surrounded by Nature's serenity and beauty, in tune with the Earth Mother. Let’s join hands to create a circle of light around Jen to give her our love and feminine energy. We have created a complete circle, and even though we break our hands, the circle will continue around Jen through her pregnancy and birth, reminding her that we are her circle of women, giving her love and strength and courage and sending her our energy for an easy and peaceful birth. I would like us to join in an ancient tradition of tying our hands together into a circle, each woman wraps the wrist of the woman next to her, and as she winds the yarn around, we all say "From women we are born into this circle, from women we are born unto this Earth". A single yarn will connect all of us. Our circle is complete; we are all connected to Jen and each other as her circle of women. Now we will each go around the circle and cut the yarn between our hands, but even though the yarn is cut and we separate, our circle is still there. When Jen goes into labor, each of you will be contacted and we will all break our bracelets and send Jen our feminine energy, blessings, prayers and thoughts as she peacefully labors.
If anyone is interested in wearing a length of the string that was bound in our circle at my Mother’s Blessing I would be happy to send you a piece (some of my close family and friends already have a piece being mailed to them as I write this). I invite you to wrap this string around your wrist or ankle to wear as a reminder of me and my baby as my pregnancy continues and as I prepare to birth. By wearing this string you are accepting your place with the ancient women whom we are all connected to, therefore offering your support, love and energy to me as I prepare to birth. I will think of you and your personal feminine strength joined with the strength of all the ancient women as I birth my baby. These feelings of strength and energy will provide comfort, love and support to me and my baby as we work together to bring him out of my body and into the light.
Mother's Blessing Part 3: Beauty Bay, Foot soak and Journey
During my Mother's Blessing Sara wanted to recreate some of the aspects of our original fertility journey. In part to pay respects to Mother Nature for allowing me to become pregnant, but also to take me back to the place where I feel the most comfortable and "in my skin". The spot where we camp is just the most beautiful piece of Nature I have ever been fortunate enough to stand or commune in. I feel it is a sacred piece of the Earth.
The other piece of this important journey is that in preparing for my birthing time I am studying hypnobabies. Hypnobabies is basically a childbirth preparation course that uses hypnosis to control the sensations of birthing your child. Part of the course is creating your own "special place" in which to retreat and find comfort. This "special place" can be an actual place or a made up one. I choose to have my "special place" be up on the river where we camp but specifically where Sara and I did my fertility ritual. That spot will always hold a special place in my heart in terms of my abilities to connect with the Earth and stay grounded during my birthing time, simply because of the time Sara and I spent there.
The first thing Sara did to "recreate" the special time we spent on the river was to hold my Mother's Blessing in Nature. We went to Beauty Bay off the Coeur d' Alene Lake. This is the same water that flows in our river spot. Here is a picture of the bay.
.....please imagine with me a bright circle of light that we are creating as we gather around Jen as part of her circle…..imagine this to be a peaceful light full of our loving energy for Jen and her baby…..warm, welcoming, peaceful light. Now lets imagine this warm light as the sun above us…..gently bringing all of our energy….from wherever we may be while Jen is birthing….. and shining it down on her as she gently and peacefully births her baby. As Jen begins to feel the familiar and intense tugging of her contractions….she remembers and honors the amazing power within her sacred womb…..her baby feeling each gentle hug …. and working with the natural rhythm as he snuggles down for his journey. She will begin to feel the warmth of this loving and peaceful energy….the warmth letting her relax deeper and deeper with each contraction. She will smile knowing that these women in her life…..who all love her…..will be thinking about her….sending her their energy and sending courage and strength to help her get through her birth….sending love so she feels safe…..and nourishing her spirit. She will think about the women who came before them…..who gave birth so they could be with her now…..and the long line of women who came before her…..who gave birth, time and time before…..with strength and courage and peace. She thinks about how powerful this imagery is....of all the women before her birthing...and how amazing our bodies are, to be able to bring life into this world. She will feel comforted by these thoughts….as we send them to her as healing, loving light as she births. As she thinks about this light….like the warm, relaxing light of the sun…..she will begin to drift to her sacred and peaceful place….up in the mountains….up on the River. She will slowly drive the winding road….taking in the beautiful scenery and smelling the fresh air…..so peaceful and serene.
She will pull onto a hidden dirt road…..knowing she is almost there….and get out and start walking to her special place. Through the old and wise trees…. along the narrow path, sunlight dappling the ground beneath her feet...along the old fallen cedar log and the to the edge of the clear river. she will continue along the embankment……the path is not so clear now, but she knows it.
A log across the river creates a deep, clear wading pool, inviting and cool....but she continues on and climbs over it…..she is almost there.
Now she has arrived to the second log….she thinks about how her contractions are like climbing over the logs….how her hard work will get her there….and smiles knowing the work her body is doing is productive and satisfying. She gently climbs over the last log and she has arrived to her place in the mountains.
She stops on the side of the bank, to sink her feet into the rich moist Earth beneath….it feels cool and firm....grounding her to the Mother Earth…...giving her deep strength and courage in her core…..making her feel powerful like a Goddess…...yet peaceful and bringing her a reassuring calm…..letting her feel the gravity with each contraction…..again it is a satisfying sensation…..knowing the baby is coming down and will soon be in her arms. Now, she begins to fully experience the beauty around her…..using all of her senses….she focuses intensely on these sensations while she relaxes into each contraction…..and lets the power she felt from the grounding earth, give her body greater strength to bring her baby down.
She gazes into the river…..sparkling in the sunlight….and gently steps in. She feels the familiar smoothness of the river stones…..soft purples, greens, and browns rippling beneath the clear water…..
she knows these rocks are sacred and wise and have come from far-away places.....gently tumbled and shaped by the rushing mountain water….finally settling into their place in the long and winding river. She imagines that pieces of these rocks….even tiny grains of the sand….have wandered their way into the great, powerful and beautiful ocean. She imagines the tides and the waves…..gently ebbing and flowing with her contractions…..she smiles knowing the river she is standing in feeds those waves. It is a powerful image.
As she eases into her birthing pool at home….she imagines she is wading into the river water…..but the water is warm and inviting…..she lays back and and relaxes…..feeling the water support and comfort her…..feeling the water gently flow over her. The water carries away any tension, negativity, or fear....she gives these emotions to the river and lets it fill her with positive, strong and loving energy. As she continues to feel the contractions deep inside her womb….she relaxes more and again focuses on the sensations around her…..she feels calm and happy and peaceful. She closes her eyes….but she can still see the light of the warm sunshine under her heavy lids. It feels warm and loving and encouraging…..she knows we are all sending it to her….and again she smiles. She breathes in deeply and slowly…..following her own body's rhythms…..she can smell the crisp mountain air…..so fresh and pure…..the warm sun releasing the sweet, familiar scent of the wise pines, the cedars and the cool Earth…..it is a comforting smell…..it mingles with the delicate scent of the mountain wildflowers….she imagines them swaying and dancing in the gentle, warm breeze. She listens to the water slowly wandering over the rocks…...over the log into a gentle waterfall….and into the inviting pool. This sound is so soothing…...again, familiar.....she loves falling asleep to this sound....and it brings her into a deeper state of relaxation. She hears distant birds flying high…..amongst the vibrant blue sky….dappled with wispy white clouds. Again she feels the warm sun and the water gently caressing her….supporting her beautiful and amazing body as she continues with her birth. She thinks about the wise pines…..the lush green plants thriving below….the smooth and serene rocks under the clear water…...the warm breeze dancing with the wildflowers….the cool and grounding Earth…..life abounds all around her. In this place she is completely warm and relaxed…..yet powerful and beautiful….she has no fears…..she feels supported and loved.....she is at peace...….she feels serenity…....and can just... be. She is now fully relaxed and fully immersed in her place on the river.
Sara leaves us with a final thought:
Every woman is an Earth Mother…..a Goddess…..we are sacred and powerful and beautiful and magical!
Mother's Blessing Part 2: Intro Birth Affirmations and Birth Necklace
What is a Mothers' Blessing? A Mothers' Blessing is a wonderful alternative to the traditional baby shower and is held to celebrate the journey of all mothers and the creation of a new life…..to celebrate the Mother-to-be! A Mothers' Blessing is a North American Indian tradition that marks a woman's transition from Maiden to Mother……a sacred right of passage for a woman entering into Motherhood. It is a time of receiving, a time where she is nurtured and honored by her community of women. The blessing acknowledges the commitment and energy of being a mother and gives her a time to gather and receive energy from women around her….a beautiful and powerful way help her prepare for birth….a safe and sacred setting for her to express any fears or worries and receive the support to work through them. This ceremony can be given to a woman each time she has a child, as with each child comes a new level of commitment and surrender. Traditionally, she invites the women she is closest with, surrounding herself with her "village"….. a gathering of women, a celebration, a gathering of their good energies. These are women who share their wisdom, love, and encouragement…...who comfort her and make her laugh when she really needs it…..who give her strength and support to embrace and enjoy the weeks of pregnancy ahead…..and who give her the positive energy to have an easy and peaceful birth with her baby and family. As women, we are amazing and powerful and beautiful…..we possess a deep understanding of each other and have a profound way of uplifting those that we love. I invite you to take part in this very special time for Jen……and to celebrate her pregnancy and birth ahead!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
During the course of the Mother's blessing I was showered with love and support! It was truly an awesome experience. During the celebration (which ended up being a 2 day event because of a storm on Saturday night that rained out of outside venue) my village of women created a few very special gifts for me. Here is the explanation of the Birth Affirmations Book:
We are going to create a Birth Affirmations book for her, this is something she can read every night before bed up until labor, or when she's feeling anxiety, and I can read it to her during labor to keep her calm and relaxed. I will have a scrap-book with background pages that are loose and we will be decorating the pages. I have lots of photos of "up on the River", where Jen likes to camp and where she has visualized her place of "Zen" for laboring. Everyone can decorate a page using a photo or two, and colorful papers and pens, and their affirmation for Jen and her baby. Please think of a birth affirmation you would like to add to Jen's book and remember to bring it with you to the celebration! A birth affirmation can be a single word, several words, a poem, or simply a paragraph of your words to show Jen you love her and are supporting her during her pregnancy and birth, or words of wisdom. Be creative and speak from your heart, and don't feel like you have to say something profound, something as simple as "I am thinking about you" is perfect. We will then pass the book around and each tell of the picture we chose, and words we chose and why….and maybe share other words of wisdom while she relaxes! After our celebration, I will invite Tim and her kids and other family to create a page as well, this will be a fun keepsake and a daily reminder that we are all with her and supporting her. Examples of affirmations: "peaceful"…."strong"…."amazing" "you are beautiful and powerful" "you birth will be perfect in every way" "your baby is content and warm and loved, growing inside you" You can Google "birth affirmations" and see more examples and to see how these powerful little messages of love can help Moms focus and stay happy during pregnancy and birth!
One of the other projects that the ladies created for me was a birth necklace. It is so beautiful and so very meaningful. Here is Sara's explanation for what a Birth Necklace is:
We will also string a "birth necklace" for Jen to wear during her labor, this is a traditional gift for the Mother-to-be, be strung and presented during her Mothers Blessing. Each person provides a special bead to string on the necklace so that she has a comforting reminder of each of us while she labors. I will provide a variety of natural beads, in stone or glass or wood, for this project. If you have a special bead you would like Jen to have, or one that has special meaning, please feel free to bring your own. I will use cotton or leather cording, so a larger hole would be best, and avoiding metal or pointy beads is best….she will be wearing this while in labor and moving around!
There is 2 more pieces of this Mother's Blessing but they are a bit long, so I am going to create a different post to give them the space and attention they need. So be on the look out for Mother's Blessing Part 3 & 4!
August 26, 2009
Mother's Blessing Part 1: Belly Painting!
Sara and I had talked about doing a belly painting on the day of my Mother's Blessing. We wanted all the ladies (and the children) at the blessing to take part in painting my belly. Basically painting a pregnant belly to me is a way of giving the mother and child energy and love and showing support to them. So I knew it would be special to have these special ladies paint on my belly. Sara and I started looking around for ideas on what to have the "theme" of the painting be so that collaboration would be possible. We found a beautiful belly painting on line of beautiful vines and all kinds of different flowers. We knew we had found the perfect theme!
The next step was to figure out what we would use to paint on my belly. Sara and I over the years have used a variety of painting supplies with varying degrees of success. We always end up with great belly paintings but our materials sometimes limit our creativity. We wanted to give the ladies at my Mother's Blessing the best possible platform for creativity, so the materials we used to paint with became VERY important. After much thought and discussion we decided that using something that was designed for skin was our best bet. I went to my trusty Wal-Mart and bought a whole slew of eyeliners, shadows, lip liners, lip gloss, and other makeup items. Thank goodness for brands like Wet & Wild that are quality makeup with a reasonable price!
As Sara and I talked about using the makeup it occurred to me how fitting using the makeup was going to be. Every woman applies her makeup with her own tastes, strengths, and skill. Applying makeup is such a personal and intimate art form for each women. So the idea that these strong women would be using materials in which they are familiar and artists at using on themselves, that they would be using those techniques on me to give me and my baby love, energy and support just brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful way to really personalize a belly painting even though it would be a collaborative effort.
Below are some pictures of the different women and their children and my children painting my belly at my Mother's Blessing!

33 weeks pregnant

I also want to thank the ladies and the children at my Mother's Blessing for putting forth your energy and love and support that made me feel so loved and cherished.
Also a special thank you goes out to My husband Tim and Clare's husband Dale for watching the kids, cooking the food and being the best Hosts so that the ladies could focus on the Mother's Blessing. This would not have been possible without your help. Thank you!
August 13, 2009
Pregnancy Update 11
So I went to another MW appt. I am not very thrilled with some of the results of the appointment... but I will get to that in a bit.
My gestational age is 32wk and 2 days at the time of the appointment. I have lost another pound since my last appointment 2 weeks ago. My urine is negative for both protein and glucose. My Blood pressure is AWESOME at 110/64. We got a good listen to our little baby's heart rate. It was just clipping along at about 140 beats per minute. Then the MW measured my fundus height and it was 35 cm. This is a growth of 2 cm in 2 weeks which is right on target. Baby is growing as he should be and all seems to be well. Oh and baby is head down still! Which is awesome news!
A week or so ago I was having more "practice" contractions than I thought was necessary. So my MW wanted to make sure I did not have a bladder or UTI infection. Sometimes these type of infections can cause contractions and cramping. So I went to my regular Drs office and had my urine tested. It is clear and fine. So my MW decided she should come and check my cervix to make sure I am not making changes to my cervix. She came by my house and checked me. My cervix is long and closed and firm. After checking that my MW thinks that my contractions are probably a combination of dehydration and the heat. Also they could be that this is my 4th baby and my uterus needs extra "practice" contractions to keep it *tone* for giving birth. LOL! At any rate I was instructed to drink more water and keep cool. Also the MW instructed me to take a vitamin suppliment called Magneseium. Mag is a smooth muscle relaxer, so it will help my uterus relax and not be so cranky. The good news is that the Mag and more water has helped keep the contractions to a minimum.
I also had my Glucose tolerance test (GTT) done. Basically that means that I fast overnight, first thing in the morning dink the Glucose drink, and then 1 hr later the MW draws my blood to see how my blood sugar levels are. It is a screening test to see if I have Gestational Dibetes (GD). I was slightly worried because the drink made me really sick and I felt weak and shaky. Today I called the MW to get my test results from the GTT and she sadly told me I "failed" the test. The blood sugar level should be 130 or under. Mine was 154. YUCK!
So I have 2 options at this point to determine if I actually have GD.
Option 1 - Take the 3hr GTT. Which involves fasting drinking the drink again and getting blood drawn at 1 -2 and 3 hr marks. If 2 of the 3 blood sugar levels are high that gives me a "fail" and a diagnosis of GD.
Option 2 - is to try to get "Real life" blood sugar readings. I would get a glucose meter and test my blood sugars 4 x per day. Once first thing in the morning, and then I would test 2 hrs after each meal, breakfast lunch dinner. These would give "real life" blood sugar levels instead of a "glucose overload" like the GTT is. MW would look at my readings and determine if my levels indicate GD or not.
So I have decided to do Option 2. Even though it is more finger pokes, at least it is "real life" eating and not a sugary drink that makes me very sick. I think Option 2 is actually more of an acurrate representation of what my body is doing as far as sugar levels.
The other issue of course is that I have already been previously diagnosed with Insulin Resistance related to my PCOS. I am on Metformin to help my body process glucose more easily. At this point I take my Metformin all at once. 3 500mg tablets for a total of 1500 mg at one time. And because of the intestinal problems it has given me I also take it at night. This method has worked to maintain my PCOS issues and I ws able to concieve and stay pregnant, but at this point perhaps I need to change that. So I have a call into my Endocrinologist Dr that has been managing my PCOS and insulin resistance as well as my thyroid to ask if I should instead take 1 500mg pill with EACH MEAL instead of all at once in one 1500 mg dose. His nurse called me back today and said Dr will review results and call me back tomorrow with an answer.
So at this point I am in a holding pattern waiting to see what my Endo Dr has to say and also whether my Ins will cover a glucose meter and how I go about getting one. I doubt these issues will be figured out until beginning of next week.
So until such time as I have an answer, I think I will just cut back on my carbs and re-read my "insulin resistance diet" book and reacquaint myself with the linking and balancing of foods it teaches. Since this is healthy for me regardless of whether I have GD or not and it IS the diet I will be put on if I do have GD I figure I should just go back on it. I should probably just commit to the "diet" as a new lifestyle of eating for life. Having Insulin resistance and GD puts me at a HUGE risk to develope full blown dibetes later in life.
Sigh. Sometimes it really sucks to be a grown up.
So on a lighter note.... I got my hair cut and colored today! You can see pictures of before and after here.
Also it is time for the latest in my belly pictures. I have also had 2 belly paintings done but I will post those tomorrow maybe. It is late and I am tired. So here are the 32 week belly pictures!
you can also see the week by week comparison on the right side bar>>>>>>>>.