Yikes.... I am trying to remember the last time I was totally kid free...........ummm Nope not then I took J with me............ahhhhh.........nope not them either, M was with me.............Oh I got it.....Tim's birthday we went to dinner and a movie alone. Yup that was the last time. That was July 2nd. Today is the 17th. I have had 15 consecutive days of kids kids kids.
Granted we have been keeping busy. We go swimming, to the park, to the splash pad, we take bike rides and go for walks, we play in our backyard, we see friends and have playdates, we have celebrated 2 birthdays and are planning 2 more. We also have mornings were I take the kids downstairs and do "preschool" with them where we read stories, work on worksheets, and do crafts. In addition to going to the library and doing the summer reading program. But NONE of that is for ME. It is for our family and it is good for me as far as the exercise and it does instill in the kids the need for lifetime habit of exercise. But it feels more like our summer is programmed and scheduled to the hilt.
I would love a day of beauty at the spa. Or a night out with Tim. I would love a girls night out with no curfew! Heck I would even like to read a book that doesn't rhyme!
My birthday is coming up on the Tuesday the 22nd. Tim has to work that day. My Mom told me she is busy that day as well. So it looks like it is just me and my kids for my birthday. *sigh* Maybe I will find a babysitter and round up some friends!

July 17, 2008
July 15, 2008
Jasmyn Turns 4!
Today is Jasmyn's Birthday! She turns 4! She was born at 5:09 in the morning. I can remember how awesome it was to give birth to a baby GIRL! We didn't know she was a girl until she was born. I remember feeling so happy and elated that I got my Princess! And who could ask for more with her cute little button nose, blond curly hair and her spit fire personality?!?!? I just love her and am so proud to be her Mom.
Happy Birthday Jasmyn, Mommy loves you!
We started off her birthday celebration with Blueberry pancakes. She had asked me to make them the night before for breakfast, but when it actually came time to eat them, well she was a bit grumpy form being woken up by Kaleb. He was WAY excited that it was her birthday and went in and sang Happy Birthday to her before she was awake. She DID NOT appreciate being woken up like that! LOL! So breakfast was a bust. But hey I tried!
Then we went and picked up Future so we could visit with him and he could celebrate Jasmyn's birthday with us! We also met up with Terrie, Ashley, Trinity, Emily, Micah and my Mom. We went to a park that has a splash pad and a jungle gym for the kids to play in. Here are some pictures of the kids playing.
Future on top of the world!

After lunch Tim arrived. He had to work tonight so he slept for the beginning part of the party. Tim brought presents with him for Jasmyn. She got a new Leapster, a game, and a carrying case. She also got a new play shopping cart.
Her is the carrying case for the Leapster.

Future playing with the bows from the presents.

Jasmyn with her shopping cart!

Emily and Micah

When the kids got cold they came back and got dried off and then played with Aunt Terrie. She was a jungle gym for a while. Trinity was a BIT jealous of her holding the other kids!

Tim playing with Kaleb

Grandma & Future Eskimo kissing!

Future and Grandma loving on each other!

Micah. He is getting more and more mobile everyday!

And the Princess for the day.....
Our Beautiful daughter
Miss. Jasmyn Kathleen
My Grandma used to say (while holding her fingers about 2 inches apart) " A chicken's head is only THIS big and it knows when to come in out of the sun!"
Well Grandma I am sorry, but you are right! And I learned my lesson (again)! I was at the park with our family celebrating Jasmyn's 4th birthday and I got a sunburn. And I have no excuse. I put sunscreen on my kids and even had the sunscreen out while we were at the park. I could of just sprayed some on myself. I even offered some to my Aunt Terrie. But did I take the 2 seconds to apply it to my own skin??? NOPE!
So here is what I get.......
Next time I swear I will wear sunscreen!
July 13, 2008
Creative idea for a date.
I read a blog of a couple Susie & Matt Sams, who recently lost their infant son due to a birth defect. He had an encephalocele - a neural tube defect - that left a hole in his skull. His brain grew out through the back of the skull into a membrane-covered sack. Little Joshua lived 67 days before being promoted to heaven.
Recently the parents of Joshua celebrated their anniversary. Susie's sister wanted to make the anniversary special so she created a "scavenger hunt" for Susie and Matt to follow on their Date. Here is Susie's blog entry about the date: http://mnssams.blogspot.com/2008/07/date.html
What a cool idea!
Recently the parents of Joshua celebrated their anniversary. Susie's sister wanted to make the anniversary special so she created a "scavenger hunt" for Susie and Matt to follow on their Date. Here is Susie's blog entry about the date: http://mnssams.blogspot.com/2008/07/date.html
What a cool idea!
July 7, 2008
Update on PCOS and TTC
You have been warned by the title. LOL! If you don't want to read about my cycle.... Skip this post!
So a positive OPK indicates that my LH hormone is surging and I should Ovulate within the next 12-48 hours! I am also temping to see if I actually do release an egg. Time will tell but I am very hopeful! Only 3 weeks of Metformin, Diet, Exercise and a jump start from the Provera and I think I *** might*** have a chance to actually conceive this cycle! Keep me/us in your prayers!
So the IR diet is more challenging than what I originally thought. it is very easy to get to 30grams of carbs in a snack/meal. The other day I was eating typical picnic type foods. Hotdogs, Watermelon, Corn on Cob, Baked Beans, Veggies. It occurred to me that I could only eat 2 of the side dishes and no bun on my hot dog in order to stay within 30 grams of carbs. So needless to say I did not stay within 30 grams. I do OK with Breakfast which is usually eggs and some sort of grain either toast, bagel or cereal. I can handle snacks. Lunch is OK too with a sandwich and veggies. But Dinner which typically involves a few starches of fruit is where I become challenged. This is also where we would most often eat out, either sit down place, fast food or even just pizza. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
The Metformin is going well. My Dr and I decided to bump up my dose to 1500 mg of the extended release Metformin. I am going slow getting up to 1500. I started with 500mg for a few weeks and now I am up to 1000mg and have been for a week. I have actually adjusted quite well to the meds. No real bad side effects really. I feel blessed with that. I will probably go up to 1500mg within the next week or so.
My exercise routine is going well. I have been very consistent to get exercise 3-5 times a week. I have been swimming mostly. But I also have a route that I walk when I can't get to the pool or the weather is cool enough to walk but not hot enough to swim. I really do feel better now that I am getting more active.
I have lost about 7 pounds since I started this new treatment plan of diet, exercise and meds in the middle of June. But the coolest part of all of this is that I think I am gonna actually ovulate! In the past few days I have seen changes in my cervical fluid indicating fertility. My breasts have been tender and I am kinda crampy in my ovary area. Then today I peed on an Ovulation prediction strip (OPK), and for the first time ever since I started using the OPKs it was POSITIVE. I am so proud of it I took a picture:

So a positive OPK indicates that my LH hormone is surging and I should Ovulate within the next 12-48 hours! I am also temping to see if I actually do release an egg. Time will tell but I am very hopeful! Only 3 weeks of Metformin, Diet, Exercise and a jump start from the Provera and I think I *** might*** have a chance to actually conceive this cycle! Keep me/us in your prayers!
4th of July!
We went to my hometown for the 4th of July Parade! It was very fun. After the Parade we went to my Aunt Terrie's house for a family picnic type lunch. Terrie, Brent, Emily, Micah, Ashley, Trinity, Justin & Lizzy, My Mom, My family (except Tim because he had to work) and my friend Katie all were there. We enjoyed each others company very much and the kids had a blast playing with all the cousins!
Here is Jasmyn & Kaleb at the Parade.

Micah with Uncle Justin

After we ate and hung out inside for a while the kids wanted to play outside. So Mom took them out and tried teaching them to play badminton.
Jasmyn with a racket and Birdie

Trinity was not too keen on being in with all the kids. Too much splashing I think!
She hung out on the side with either Ashley or Terrie!

Mason was throwing that ball at Grandma Mary

Brent & Micah

After the waterplay we got the kids cleaned up. We hung out for a few more hours and then we left to head home. We regrouped at home and then headed downtown to the park to watch our local fireworks. It was a first for my kids seeing big fireworks. Kaleb & Jasmyn loved them. Mason was a bit scared of the big booms, but did warm up to them once he realized that they weren't gonna hurt him. LOL! It was a very fun 4th of July!
At the Pool!
My Mom has a pool at her Apartment complex. It is an outside pool so it is only open from May through September. The kids just love it. We try to go a few days a week. It is my form of exercise at least while the weather is warm.
The boys in the floaty tubes.
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