So the IR diet is more challenging than what I originally thought. it is very easy to get to 30grams of carbs in a snack/meal. The other day I was eating typical picnic type foods. Hotdogs, Watermelon, Corn on Cob, Baked Beans, Veggies. It occurred to me that I could only eat 2 of the side dishes and no bun on my hot dog in order to stay within 30 grams of carbs. So needless to say I did not stay within 30 grams. I do OK with Breakfast which is usually eggs and some sort of grain either toast, bagel or cereal. I can handle snacks. Lunch is OK too with a sandwich and veggies. But Dinner which typically involves a few starches of fruit is where I become challenged. This is also where we would most often eat out, either sit down place, fast food or even just pizza. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
The Metformin is going well. My Dr and I decided to bump up my dose to 1500 mg of the extended release Metformin. I am going slow getting up to 1500. I started with 500mg for a few weeks and now I am up to 1000mg and have been for a week. I have actually adjusted quite well to the meds. No real bad side effects really. I feel blessed with that. I will probably go up to 1500mg within the next week or so.
My exercise routine is going well. I have been very consistent to get exercise 3-5 times a week. I have been swimming mostly. But I also have a route that I walk when I can't get to the pool or the weather is cool enough to walk but not hot enough to swim. I really do feel better now that I am getting more active.
I have lost about 7 pounds since I started this new treatment plan of diet, exercise and meds in the middle of June. But the coolest part of all of this is that I think I am gonna actually ovulate! In the past few days I have seen changes in my cervical fluid indicating fertility. My breasts have been tender and I am kinda crampy in my ovary area. Then today I peed on an Ovulation prediction strip (OPK), and for the first time ever since I started using the OPKs it was POSITIVE. I am so proud of it I took a picture:

So a positive OPK indicates that my LH hormone is surging and I should Ovulate within the next 12-48 hours! I am also temping to see if I actually do release an egg. Time will tell but I am very hopeful! Only 3 weeks of Metformin, Diet, Exercise and a jump start from the Provera and I think I *** might*** have a chance to actually conceive this cycle! Keep me/us in your prayers!
If you're looking for fairly low carb snacks, nuts are a good choice. You have to control the portion (like anything else) but they are "doable". Cantaloupe, strawberries, peaches and Crenshaw melons are some of the lower carb fruits. Deviled eggs make a good low carb addition also...... :) Congrats on the 7lbs and the happy pee stick! :)
Love ya!
I just read thru the written part of your blog (just saw the pics before). I think it's awesome that you already lost 7 pounds, so the diet and exercise are really working!!! I know it's hard to stick to the 30 grams per meal, but in the book, they allow for those splurges and it's ok if you are not perfect on your diet. And if your splurge is an extra serving of a nutritious, fiber packed piece of fruit, then you are still making a healthy choice. You have a dedicated attitude towards improving your health and that's what is really important, and you are making healthy choices for your family too. I enjoyed avocados and olives when I used to do my lower carb diet. They are higher in fat, but good fats, olives oil and avocados are both full of essential nutrients for women, same with nuts. They were recently in a list of "must-have" foods for women. I think you are really doing great and you are going to be a happier, healthier person and that is the best reward you can have.
Love ya~~Sara :o)
Many reasons to celebrate, most of all that the sacrafices you are making are helping you reach your goals, which makes them even easier to commit to beacuse of the joy and celebration of success!!
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