July 2, 2008

Tim Turns 32

Yup. Today July 2nd is Tim's Birthday! He turns the ripe old age of 32. That also means for about 20 days Tim and I are the same age! hahahaha He hates that I remind him of that! He really likes to hold over my head that I am a year older. LOL!

So on Tim's birthday I thought I would share a few little known facts about the man I love with all my heart!
  • Tim hates Popcorn, taffy, or any kind of candy that gets stuck in you teeth. He HATES things stuck in his teeth.
  • Tim hates to be a passenger in a car. He likes to drive. And if he could he would learn to fly so he could ever pilot his own plane!
  • Tim Loves Hip hop music. I tease him that the only reason he listens to it is to hold onto his youth with both hands, even if his grasp is slipping!
  • Tim hates cooked Broccoli or cauliflower. He will eat it raw but never cooked.
  • Tim is the most hands on Dad I have ever met. He does everything I do. Diapers, Baths, Dr. Appts. Midnight wake ups from bad dreams, potty training, boo boos, snacks, meals, he even does Jasmyn's hair! I could not ask for a better Father for my kids.
  • He loves Chocolate and Peanut Butter together. Milk Shakes, Reeses pieces, PB Cups, Buckeyes, Choc & PB creme pie.
  • He loves video games and just about anything electronic.
  • He likes watching Wile E Coyote and the Road Runner.
  • He loves action movies and Bubba the love Sponge (Shock Jock DJ on Sirius radio)
  • He loves camping and playing paintball.
  • He loves the natural look of me. He hates makeup, fussy clothes and high heels. Put me in jeans, t-shirt, baseball cap with my hair in a pony tail and he is the happiest.
  • He loves comedy. Raunchy comedy.
  • He loves playing Transformers with Kaleb. In fact I often think he buys transformers for Kaleb so he can play with them!
  • Above all else, Tim is the love of my life, the best father I could ever hope for to our children, and he makes me smile!


Anonymous said...

Well scary thought Tim and I are the same age as well for the next month and 12 days lol. I hope he had a great day!

Megan said...

What a great post..... I have watched Tim grow into the wonderful husband and father that he is. It's so nice to see couples who are committed to each other and to their children that way. Hope he had a great day and many more to come.....