I remember going to Round Lake State Park as a child and teen ager. I *think* we even went there on a field trip for grade school once. But I could be mistaken as it has been quite a while ago! Anyway, I decided that we should spend Saturday going on an adventure, since it was the only day of this long weekend that the kids and Tim had the day off from school and work. After googling Round Lake State Park to find out if the trails were open and if they were booked for the weekend. They were booked for camping spots, but still had plenty of day use availability. So we packed a picnic and headed up to check it out.
It was smaller than I remember. LOL! The beach area seemed smaller and the trails seemed shorter. Part of that is because the trails on the east end of the lake are still underwater and impassible. So we didn't make the whole loop around the lake, but what we did see was very beautiful and fun. We saw all sorts of different wild flowers, bugs, grasses, lily pads, fish, birds, etc. The kids loved throwing rocks into the lake and river. We also enjoyed going over the foot bridge that crosses Cocollala river. Jasmyn was a bit scared because the bridge sways slightly when you walk on it.
The hilight for me was just reliving my childhood memories and sharing them with my kids. I think that Tim's favorite part was when we saw the blue heron/Crane (we are still arguing over what it was actually). Tim got some very col pictures of the bird standing on a log with its reflection on the water and one of the bird flying past us. The kids loved playing at the beach. It is still very murky/muddy on the bottom, just like I remembered it. And the mud at the shoreline smells gross, but the kids did not care at all. They gathered rocks to bring home as a "reminder of their adventure".
If you ever get the chance, this park is a pretty cool place to take a nice hike and spend some time creating memories with your family. My only recommendation is to bring bug spray. The mosquitoes were brutal!
I posted a few pictures of our trip on my facebook page, but you can view them from the link below.
Round Lake pictures

May 24, 2009
May 20, 2009
Pregnancy update 5
I had my midwife appointment today! I am 20w3d pregnant as of today! I have lost 5 pounds since my last appointment. That puts me at 7 pounds of weight lost since the beginning of my pregnancy. My blood pressure was good at 120/70. My urine was negative for protein and glucose! We listened to the baby's heart beat and it was in the 150's beats per minute. She measured where the top of my fundus is and it is right at my belly button. This is exactly on track for growth at 20 weeks. At the next appointment she will actually start measuring my fundus from the top of my pelvic bone to the top of my fundus with a measuring tape to gauge baby's growth.
I have been feeling the baby move fairly regularly for the past few weeks. I think I started to feel small movements around 16 weeks but still could not confirm movements of baby compared to regular stomach movements like gas! LOL! But now in retrospect I am sure that all those little movements where the baby!
We also drew some blood for a thyroid panel. I should have the results in a few days. If needed my Endocrinologist will adjust my thyroid medications within the next few days as well once he reviews the blood test results.
My ultrasound is scheduled for June 5th. At that point we will find out about the placenta and if it has moved away from my cervix.
I will update more as soon as I know! Love to all and thanks for taking an interest and reading about our growing baby!
I have been feeling the baby move fairly regularly for the past few weeks. I think I started to feel small movements around 16 weeks but still could not confirm movements of baby compared to regular stomach movements like gas! LOL! But now in retrospect I am sure that all those little movements where the baby!
We also drew some blood for a thyroid panel. I should have the results in a few days. If needed my Endocrinologist will adjust my thyroid medications within the next few days as well once he reviews the blood test results.
My ultrasound is scheduled for June 5th. At that point we will find out about the placenta and if it has moved away from my cervix.
I will update more as soon as I know! Love to all and thanks for taking an interest and reading about our growing baby!
May 19, 2009
20 week Belly pics

As you may have noticed over on the right side bar ------> there are belly pictures starting at 14 weeks going through 20 weeks (well every other week). These will stay there so you can compare as my pregnancy progresses!
Tomorrow is my next midwife appointment. I will update with all the information after my appointment!
Life is good for us here! We are so excited to be getting closer to summer. Only a few more weeks of school! Also for the summer it is looking like I will be doing daycare for my nephew Future. Our summer should be fun filled and super busy! We are already planning some camping trips, a garage sale, trips to Silverwood Theme Park, Swimming at Grandma's pool, and plenty of backyard fun in the sun! Now if I -in my pregnant state- can just keep up with the kids we should be good!
May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's day!
I have to admit I started out this weekend in a bad mood. Tim is still out of town for work. He got stuck in Portland for another week. I was really looking forward to him being home and pampering me. Especially after I just spent the past week being a single Mom while Mason was sick, I had a few time pressing commitments to honor as well as a field trip for Jasmyn that was planned with VERY short notice. So when Tim called me on Thursday and told me he was gonna stay this next week I was BEYOND bummed. I really need(ed) a break. I really wanted to be pampered and loved on like only Tim knows how to do. He usually makes sure I don't have to cook, clean, change a diaper, get up with the kids, or anything for the WHOLE WEEKEND! (Don't worry I reciprocate on Father's Day!) I get to sleep in, do crafty stuff that I want to do, get a pedicure (sometimes given by Tim). Wow! Reading all of that and I really realize how much I am spoiled. (sssshhhhh don't tell Tim!)
So this morning I woke up to my little son Kaleb giving me a hug and saying" Happy Mother's day Mommy". (smile). Then as I am laying there waking up slowly I hear him in the living room talking to Mason. He asks Mason if Mason made me a card. No Mason hadn't. Then I hear Kaleb getting into the art cabinet. He is talking to Mason and helping him make me a card. (smile). Jasmyn gets up. Kaleb asks her if she wants to make a card for me. She does. So I hear them make another trip to the art cabinet for more supplies. I just lay there listening to them talk about the cards and Mother's day. After a few minutes I get up and get dressed.
When I walk into the kitchen and on the table is 2 gifts (the kids made at school) and 3 cards. Kaleb takes me by the hand and ushers me to my chair. He hands me the cards and the presents. How sweet! I open the gifts. Kaleb made a plaster hand impression at school. It is very sweet. Jasmyn made me a photo frame with her picture. It is a magnet with a clothes pin attached to hang a grocery list on. She has decorated it with a whole bunch of jewels! So cute. Then I look at the cards. Kaleb had written little messages on each one from him, Jasmyn & Mason. Then he drew a picture of each of the kids. They have the letter of their first name on their shirt. Mason's says : Frum Masan to MoM. On the inside it says: Frum Masam two Morm. The the picture of Mason with the M on his shirt with enormous ears and only 3 fingers! So adorable. Jasmyn's says: Frum Jasmyn Two MoM. I Love Yoow Mom. Her picture has pierced ears, and only 3 fingers in each hand, with a J on her shirt! Kaleb's says: Frum Kaleb Two MoM I love yoow Momme. His picture has long hair and a K on his shirt! So sweet.
Then Kaleb decides we should have something "easy" for breakfast so "Mommy doesn't have to cook". He decides on zucchini muffins (we made last night), banana and juice. He even helped pass out plates, silverware and juice. After wards he helped clean up the table and load the dishwasher.
No I did not get a free pass from diapers, a pedicure, or get to sleep in, but what I got was so much more meaningful. Kaleb fully understood what Mother's day was about. He in his own way honored me in ways that are BEYOND his years. He wrangled his siblings and made them understand the importance of the day as much as they could. I am so proud to be Mother! I am proud that Tim and I have instilled compassion, respect, love and appreciation in his person. He really showed me that all the examples and lessons we have tried to teach is really REACHING him. He is so sweet. I am so thankful that I get to be around such an awesome little boy!
Happy Mother's Day to all your Moms out there. I hope your day turned out as wonderful as mine!
So this morning I woke up to my little son Kaleb giving me a hug and saying" Happy Mother's day Mommy". (smile). Then as I am laying there waking up slowly I hear him in the living room talking to Mason. He asks Mason if Mason made me a card. No Mason hadn't. Then I hear Kaleb getting into the art cabinet. He is talking to Mason and helping him make me a card. (smile). Jasmyn gets up. Kaleb asks her if she wants to make a card for me. She does. So I hear them make another trip to the art cabinet for more supplies. I just lay there listening to them talk about the cards and Mother's day. After a few minutes I get up and get dressed.
When I walk into the kitchen and on the table is 2 gifts (the kids made at school) and 3 cards. Kaleb takes me by the hand and ushers me to my chair. He hands me the cards and the presents. How sweet! I open the gifts. Kaleb made a plaster hand impression at school. It is very sweet. Jasmyn made me a photo frame with her picture. It is a magnet with a clothes pin attached to hang a grocery list on. She has decorated it with a whole bunch of jewels! So cute. Then I look at the cards. Kaleb had written little messages on each one from him, Jasmyn & Mason. Then he drew a picture of each of the kids. They have the letter of their first name on their shirt. Mason's says : Frum Masan to MoM. On the inside it says: Frum Masam two Morm. The the picture of Mason with the M on his shirt with enormous ears and only 3 fingers! So adorable. Jasmyn's says: Frum Jasmyn Two MoM. I Love Yoow Mom. Her picture has pierced ears, and only 3 fingers in each hand, with a J on her shirt! Kaleb's says: Frum Kaleb Two MoM I love yoow Momme. His picture has long hair and a K on his shirt! So sweet.
Then Kaleb decides we should have something "easy" for breakfast so "Mommy doesn't have to cook". He decides on zucchini muffins (we made last night), banana and juice. He even helped pass out plates, silverware and juice. After wards he helped clean up the table and load the dishwasher.
No I did not get a free pass from diapers, a pedicure, or get to sleep in, but what I got was so much more meaningful. Kaleb fully understood what Mother's day was about. He in his own way honored me in ways that are BEYOND his years. He wrangled his siblings and made them understand the importance of the day as much as they could. I am so proud to be Mother! I am proud that Tim and I have instilled compassion, respect, love and appreciation in his person. He really showed me that all the examples and lessons we have tried to teach is really REACHING him. He is so sweet. I am so thankful that I get to be around such an awesome little boy!
Happy Mother's Day to all your Moms out there. I hope your day turned out as wonderful as mine!
May 5, 2009
Pregnancy update 4 Belly Pics
I figured I should start posting my belly pictures. I have been taking them for a while but just recently began to feel like there is a difference to what I looked like before I got pregnant! So here is my belly pictures starting at 12weeks going forward to 18 weeks.
16weeks pregnant
18 weeks pregnant 
12 weeks pregnant
Maybe not a huge change but enough that my jean don't fit anymore and my shirts seem to be a bit short. So I did have to dig out my maternity clothes to find something that fits and looks better. Ugh. I H-A-T-E Maternity clothes. But when you can't breath anymore in your regular jeans.... somethings gotta change! Anyway, I hope you enjoy seeing how my pregnant belly is growing! Stay tuned... pretty soon I will need my own zip code! LOL!
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