September 28, 2009

pregnancy fun!

How about we make some predictions on when I will give birth, how much baby will weigh and how long the baby will be?!?!?! Just a fun little poll to see who gets bragging rights! So to help you make your predictions.... I will give you some stats on my previous pregnancies.

Here is a picture of me at 41 weeks pregnant with Kaleb

Kaleb's Stats:
Due date: 12/18/02 He was actually born 12/29/02... 11 days overdue (induced with Pitocin)
Birth time: 11:47am
Kaleb weighed 9 lbs 2 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long

Here is a picture of me right before we left to go to the hospital with Jasmyn at 40w 3 days

Jasmyn's Stats:
Due date: 7/12/04 Born 7/15/04 she was 3 days over due (I self induced with Castor oil)
Birth Time: 5:09am
Jasmyn weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 20 1/2 inches long

Picture of me 40 weeks pregnant with Mason

Mason's Stats:
Due date: 7/13/06 Born 7/19/06 he was 6 days overdue (waited patiently till labor started on its own)
Birth time: 6:39pm
Mason weighed 7lbs 7 oz and was 21 inches long

a Picture of me currently pregnant! 39 weeks
Baby #4 Stats:
Due date: 10/4/09

Here is where you get to guess! Send me an email at or leave a comment on this blog or on facebook with the following:

Birth Date:
Birth Time:

You don't win anything other than bragging rights on who is closest! And this little game will help me pass the time until I go into labor!

Thanks for playing!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I say October 8, 2009 at 4:58 pm. The baby boy will be 9 pounds even, and 21 inche long. :)

~ Laura

Anonymous said...

October 3rd at 8:00 pm
8 lbs. 20 inches long


Sweetpea said...

I'm guessing October 10th, 6:47 am, 8 lbs 14 oz. and 20 3/4 inches long.

Anonymous said...

8 pounds 6 oz. 20 inches long.

Megan said...

October 2nd (hey, a little positive thinking can't hurt!!!) at 10:34pm - 7lbs 13oz - 20.5 in.

Jennifer said...

Thanks Megan and Steph! I am LOVING the idea that I could go into labor this weekend!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I will predict Oct 3 (since it's my bday) at 10:00 a.m. he'll be 7 lbs 10 oz and 20 1/2"

~ Tiffany