The baby's first pictures!!!! We had our ultrasound last week. Friday afternoon actually. It was the standard 1st ultrasound stuff. They want you to drink a huge amount of water and not pee for like 2 hours. So you are very uncomfortable and then the tech pushes directly on your bladder to use it as a "window" to see your uterus and what is inside. Ha! Fun is had by all! Then after the do the
external u/s they like to do the
transvaginal one. It is just as horrible as it sounds!!!
LOL! I am sure with a name like "
transvaginal" you have a pretty good idea where they stick the U/S wand! But the quality of images is much better and enable us to get the cool photos below!
The first image is of the baby's head and the yolk sac. The baby lives off the yolk sac until the placenta
develops and takes over providing nourishment to the baby. I think the placenta takes over
completely by about 10-11 weeks.

This image is of the heart rate. They use their fancy machine to record the heart tone and counts the beats! Our little peanut's heart was beating at 154.67 beats per minute.

And these last 2 images are of the whole baby. They call this the
CRL or the Crown to Rump Length! Our peanut is measuring at 1.43 cm
CRL. That
measurement puts me at 7weeks 5 days at the time of ultrasound. Which was pretty cool because that was exactly the date I had figured out for myself! I like the medical community to agree with me!

I hope you enjoy seeing the baby # 4 first baby pictures. I will be working on what to call our little one so I can stop calling him/her #4. It is way to impersonal! Any suggestions for nick-names?
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