February 15, 2009

Neti Pots

As you know from reading my previous blog that our house has been under siege of the sickies! We have been battling ear infections, sinus infections, throat infections, common colds, and stomach bugs. Oy vey! The stomach bug is gone for now. Hopefully to NEVER return. LOL! (I doubt I will be THAT lucky). Mason is still fighting off an ear infection that may require another round of antibiotics. We will probably take him back in on Tuesday for an ear recheck. And Kaleb & Jasmyn just have the run of the mill colds. Hopefully we can avoid any secondary infections with those two.

I have been on antibiotics for my sinus and throat infection for 7 days now. When I first went to the meds I immediately felt a TON better. My sinus cleared and my throat healed. Then on Thursday I started feeling a little congested and yucky again. I have still been on the medications so I thought it was unlikely I had a relapse of sinus infection, but maybe a virus of some kind. Friday was worse and I started to run a fever. Saturday same thing, but now it is settling in my chest. But my head is still full too. So this morning out of complete desperation.... I decided to take my dear friend Megan's advice and try a neti pot.

For those of you that have never had the pleasure of a neti pot, it is a pot shaped much like a teapot, but definitely NOT for tea. Us use distilled water and salt in the pot. I heated my water to body temperature added the salt and allowed it to dissolve inside the neti pot. Then I leaned over the sink and poured the salt water into my top nostril until the water come out the bottom nostril. The salt water basically flushes your sinuses to loosen and thin mucous so you can get rid of it, as well as kills and flushes out germs hiding in your nasal passages. I had a bit of trouble to start with, as I was tipped back too far and the the salt water was coming out my mouth! YUCK. But leaning forward slightly solved that problem immediately. I thought I would have a sense of drowning, and was pleasantly surprised when that did not occur. Then you turn your head and do the other nostril. When you are finished you blow your nose. Easy Peasy and so refreshing!

Now I can breath through my nose again! I am still getting some drainage since the thinning mucous is still coming out. But overall it really helped! It immediately relieved the pressure I was feeling in my face. I can think of lots of times I could potentially use the Neti Pot.

* migraines causing from sinus pressure
* Exposure to lots of dust, dirt or grass after doing yard work. The neti will clear the debris from my nose.
* First sign of a cold coming on to get rid of the germies hiding in my nose
* When I have an allergic reaction to pollen or other allergens
* Also when I am already sick to thin and help get rid of mucous like I am doing now.

They recommend using the Neti pot at least 3 times a week and up to twice daily. I think while I am sick I will do it twice daily and then scale back to once daily through the flu/cold season and then perhaps to 3 x per week to maintain.

A big thank you to Megan for pointing me in this direction. I am hoping it will help end this siege of sickies on me. I just want to be healthy!

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