February 26, 2009

My obsession

Yes I am a POAS addict. What is a POAS addict? Well POAS stands for Pee On A Stick. This acronym is from message boards. Specifically BabyCenter.com Mesage boards. I am a member and have been for years. I have a whole online community that I stay in contact with on a daily basis. We support each other during the waiting of trying to concieve and during our pregnancies. They have provided resources to find inexpensive HPTs that I buy online or at the Dollar store. Yes you can buy pregnancy tests at the dollar store and they are just as accurate as the expensive brands of tests. Why spend $14 when you can spend $1!!!!!

Since I do have access to a Dollar store that sells the pregnancy tests I stocked up. And since we tried for 12 months, it was good that I wasn't blowing $14 bucks or more per month. But once I got the positive test I just couldn't stop POAS! LOL! I peed on a whole bunch. I had a few Walmart Brand ones that actually detected my pregnancy first. But I also had a few dollar store brand ones as well.

So since this pregnancy is our last one... I figured what the heck.... I might as well pee on them, right?

Here is a few (Ok alot) of pictures of my positive tests. Just to note. DPO stands for Days Past Ovulation. Typically 14DPO would be when a women's period would start or when most pregnancy tests would be accurate. I hope you enjoy the plethora of pictures below!

This is a close up of the first test I took!

This picture is of the first tests I took on 12DPO. The small white test is the Dollar Store test. The second line is VERY faint on that test. You may not be able to see it, but I assure you it is there!

This picture is of the 2 Walmart Brand tests taken at 12 & 13 DPO

This is a special test. I bought this digital test about 6 months ago. I was waiting until I got confimation that I was in fact pregnant before I peed on it! Not only is it just cool to have the actual word "Pregnant" on the stick, it is also an expensive test. $16. I only bought it so I could take pictures of it for my blog and the baby's book. Pretty cool though, huh?!?!?!

And here is a picture of the tests I took from 12DPO to 17DPO.

This next picture is a total Pregnant woman crazy confession! LOL! I have been sick with a sinus infection and was very sick. So my typical pregnancy signs took a back seat to the sinus infection. Around the 6week mark of my pregnancy I got scared.... What if I am not pregnant anymore? Yeah I know. Not rational at all! So I took another test to make sure. LOL! The line showed up within 15 seconds and was so dark it was hilarious! So here is the comparision of the Dollar Store tests I took from 12dpo to 27dpo.

Hope you enjoyed my pictures!

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