During the first week after we found out that I am pregnant we were kinda in shock. While this was a completely planned and much desired pregnancy, it still came as a shock. We had been trying to get pregnant for 12 months. Each cycle seemed the same. After ovulation we would wait for me to feel something...anything...a symptom....a sign. But cycle after cycle it would all end with my period starting. It got to the point that I would try to ignore any symptoms or signs because I was afraid of getting my hopes up. I had so many symptoms that could have been PMS or Pregnancy that I just was tried of the disappointment.
When I was nearing the end of my cycle in January I was trying very hard to NOT get excited. But I did feel different. I felt a fullness or bloating in my lower abdomen. I felt crampy but not in my lower back like I usually do when my period is gonna start. Just cramps in the front. I also had been charting my cycles and keeping track of my cervical position. My cervix felt different than it normally did at that stage in past non-pregnant cycles. I just had a feeling that this time was different. So I decided to take a test. I also decided to video tape the test since I wanted to capture the moment for Tim since he was at work when I took the test. Although I have tested tons of times before in other cycles, I had never video taped me testing before.
If you want to view the video go to the bottom of this blog and click on the youtube link.
Tim & I were simply shocked when the test turned positive! Tim moreso than I. I had a few days of thinking "could it be?" Tim just got hit with a plus sign! The first few days he just needed to let things sink in, or something. LOL! I really don't know what was going through his head. He didn't really talk to me about it. It made me nervous. But the moment I knew it was all gonna be OK was when I asked him for a glass of water and he returned with this:
To an outsider I am sure it looks plain enough, right? Just a thermal cup. What a nice guy for bringing that to me full of ice water. That is until you know the history behind the cup.
I got the cup as a freebie from the hospital I birthed Kaleb at. The nurses fill it up with ice water or juice after your birth to keep you hydrated. It was so convenient that I brought it home and I used it everyday from the Kaleb's birth until he was weaned. Tim would fill it with ice water and put the cup near our little nursing nest so that when I got up in the middle of the night for a feeding I had water to quench my thirst. Anyone that has breastfed knows that nursing is thirsty business! It holds 34 oz of water and if you fill it with ice the water will stay cold all night. It is an awesome cup.
After Jasmyn was born I got another cup from the hospital. It is exactly the same as the one from Kaleb's birth. I again used the cup for nursing Jasmyn everyday. Kaleb also would use my cup to quench his thirst as seen below in this cute picture taken the day Jasmyn & I came home from the hospital.So what would seem, to an outsider, like a simple act of Tim just getting his pregnant wife a glass of water turned into a tender moment of memories. But more importantly a sign that he was getting comfortable with the idea that I was pregnant and we were about to do it all over again! Thank you Tim! This is the best time of our lives. It is a beautiful life and one that I am so happy to get to share with you!
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