We have made a family tradition out of going to Green Bluff. It is an area of farms to the north of us. You can get lots of different things up there. In the past we have picked Pumpkins, Strawberries, and Christmas trees up there. We have gone to the same farm for Pumpkins I think for 3 years in a row. This year we also visited another farm up there to pick Apples. It was a new and exciting experience for the kids. And we are all about new experiences, especially ones as cool as picking a real apple from the tree, taking the apple home, peeling, coring and then making applesauce to eat. Or an Apple pie. But more on that later.
First the pumpkin patch!
Now at the farm we visit they usually have lots of activities like a corn maze, train ride, and big inflatable slide (yeah nothing says "Harvest" like a big huge inflatable slide. LOL). But we went during the week since Tim's work schedule is a bit crazy these days. So none of the regular activities were available. But it turned out just fine since it pushed us to explore another farm and pick apples instead.
So we arrived at the pumpkin patch and selected a wheel barrow to carry our kids...er I mean Pumpkins!
Then we began our hunt for the perfect pumpkins.
Mason mostly just wondered around and played in the dirt.
Jasmyn & Mason tried to make "sandcastles". No moats, but they sure did get DIRTY!
We called Mason "Pig Pen" for awhile there...
Then we propped the Camera up on a bin of Pumpkins and got a family picture.
I love the self timer on my camera!
Then we headed back to pay for our pumpkins and stopped along the way for a photos.
Kaleb is getting so Big!
Next we drove down the road a bit and found an orchard full of Apples. At the main entrance to the apples they had these cute red wagons and a pumpkin patch set up.
So we took this cute picture of the kids.
Then it was off to pick apples. Some of the apples were high up in the tree. With no ladders in sight we decided to improvise. Tim put Jasmyn on his shoulders first. But she like her Mom is afraid of heights. So she wanted DOWN right away, hence the no pictures of her. LOL! But the boys were more daring!
Once our apples were picked we loaded the apples and the kids up and headed back to pay for them.
Kaleb wanted to walk. Good thing since there was no more room in the wagon.
When we got home I realized I had a big box of apples and no clue on how to put them up. The kids wanted to just eat them, but I feared that they would go bad before we could consume them. So I called my Mom. She recently made applesauce with a group of ladies from her church. She happily agreed to come help me. I foolishly thought we could just peel and core the apples by hand. Mom agreed and started working straight away. She had half a big bowl peeled cored and sliced when I joined her. I peeled about 4 apples and thought.... there has to be a better way! LOL! So after spending some time looking around we found an apple peeler, corer, slicer at the local hardware store. That thing works so slick! And thankfully the kids LOVED doing it. Tim and the kids peeled the rest of the apples. Here is Mason and Tim working diligently!
Applying the apple to the contraption
Peeling, coring and slicing all in one!
If you ever decide to pick apples and want to borrow our peeler, let me know! It works awesome with minimal waste. Mom and I made 1 batch of applesauce and a batch of apple butter. I am nervous that I over spiced the apple butter, but only time will tell. The applesauce is wonderful. I also made a pie! It was the most beautiful pie I have ever created. I went to go get my camera and while I was doing that Mason decided to "taste" the pie. Yeah. Finger holes in my perfect golden brown crust. He did say "yummy mommy", so I did have to forgive him! LOL! But I did not take a picture! *sigh* at least I know it was perfect!
1 comment:
Wow sounds like a great time. I wish we had something like that around here. I bet the apple butter is great!! I am glad you all had a great time. Will talk to you soon.
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