October 3, 2008

Update on the kids!

Kaleb has been really into Transformers lately. Tim finally talked me into watching the new Transformers Movie and it was to my delight a VERY good movie. So now Kaleb watches the movie all the time. Tim is especially thrilled with this new passion of Kaleb's because Transformers have been around since Tim was a kid. So he gets to relive his childhood through Kaleb. There for a while Tim was coming home with a new Transformer action figure every couple days. I finally had to tell Tim to quit buying himself new toys, because clearly he was enjoying them as much or more than Kaleb was! So my world is now a hodge bodge of transformer parts. Autobot (good guys) and Decepticon (bad guys) pieces and parts for me to find and try not to suck up into the vacuum! Kaleb also has recently become a fan of my Zucinni bread. My recipe isn't anything special, just straight outta the Betty crocker cook book, but Kaleb loves it! I love that he will eat a green veggie, however it is prepared. LOL!

Jasmyn is in Preschool this year. Last year she was in the same class but Future was in their with her. I really thought that she would be the queen of the classroom as a returning student. And for the most part her teacher says she is. But she is sometimes having a difficult time when we drop her off. SO we have been working hard on trying to make her comfortable in the mornings. We read a book called "The Kissing Hand" about a Raccoon that is afraid to go to school. His mother kisses the palm of his hand and he carries the kissing hand with him all day long. When he is feeling sad he presses his kissing hand to his cheek and it is like his Momma is there kissing him and telling him he is loved. So our tradition in the mornings when I drop her off is to give each other a kissing hand. It usually works, although sometimes she still is a bit clingy. It will get better as she gets more confident in her place in her classroom.

Mason is just talking up a storm. When Mason was born Jasmyn was 2, the same age Mason is now. After Mason was born it just seemed like overnight that Jasmyn's vocabulary boomed and she was speaking so much more clearly. I always assumed she did that out of survival since Mason had essentially taken her place. But now that Mason is the same age, his speech is so much better and gets more advanced everyday. I have to admit that it really does ease my mind about Jasmyn when Mason was born. She was just ready to speak, kinda like Mason is now. The coolest thing is now Mason is saying our names. He has always said Momma and Daddy, but it is so cool to hear him say Taybub (Kaleb) and Ja man (Jasmyn)and Utchur (Future) and Davit (David) and Gamma (grandma). I also love to hear Peez (please) Tank ou (thank you) Er Elcome (your Welcome). And when he is upset at you he also has been know to say "awp awuking" (stop talking). LOL! It took him saying "Awp Awuking" a few times before I finally understood what he was saying. I had to laugh, but then realized he was basically telling me to "shut up"! LOL!

Now I have 2 little stories to tell......

Kaleb & I were sitting next to each other at dinner. I held up a piece of zucinni on his fork and tried to feed it to him. "See Kaleb, this zuccinni is just like the stuff I put in the zucinni bread yo love so much." He looked at me and shook his head. "No Mom that is Decepticon Zuccini" LOL!!! He didn't eat it.

Jasmyn and I were on our way to her school. Parking around the school is a nightmare, so I was circling the block trying to find a place to park. Jasmyn asked me if we were going to the school. I said, " Yes Honey, we are just trying to find a parking spot and then I will drop you off. Are you ready for school?" "yes Mom, and I won't even cry or Nuthin' " I say " Oh good Jasmyn. You will have a good day and you will be with your teachers. They are very nice teachers, right?" Jasmyn says, " Yes Mom they are very nice teachers, and they WON'T even KILL me" LOL! Yes Jasmyn they won't even kill you!

Kids say the darnedest things!

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