So Tim & I had our "mishap" on Cycle day (CD) 14 and I ovulated on CD16. I started taking the prometrium on CD 18. Not surprisingly, I started to spot on CD24 and my period started full force on CD 27. That gave me a 11 day Luteal Phase (LP = the time from Ovulation to period starting). Considering this was my first cycle since weaning it was not alarming that it happened this way. But once the baby bug hit me I could not get it out of my head. So we decided to actively TTC the next cycle. My pre-ovulatory temps were kinda all over the place and the day that I actually ovulated is still kinda debatable. Because I did not have a clear thermal shift and Tim was working out of town we again were unsure if we catch the egg or not. And I had a delay in Ovulation which I am not sure of the cause. I probably started taking the prometrium too soon and it delayed or even prevented a viable egg from being released. So again our timing was off. This time thanks to the prometrium and a decrease in my Breastfeeding hormones my LP was 12 days long. During my LP I thought for sure that I was pregnant so I had a blood test drawn when I went in for my routine thyroid blood draw. The pregnancy test came back negative, but my thyroid test was within normal range. So again at this point my hormones seemed to be in somewhat of a balance. Once I received the 2nd negative blood pregnancy test I stopped taking the prometrium and my period started within a few days. See chart below:
When we did not conceive on the last cycle we decided to sit the next cycle out and let my body kinda reset and also avoid conceiving a baby that would be due in December. We thought that the next cycle would be easy peasy, just wait it out and then get back to TTC in April. Well I am still currently ON that cycle! Today is CD50. Yes you read that correctly... 5-0, 50, fifty. Yup. Long cycle. It seems that my body has "geared - up" to ovulate a few times without actually releasing the egg. We thought I Ovulated on CD27, but 12 days later and no period. All the pregnancy tests are negative. Then I thought perhaps I ovulated on CD 40. But my temps took a nose dive to a pre-ovulation range of temps. So then today I thought perhaps I have ovulated since my temp is higher today (97.6*) than it has been the previous 31 days. But I won't know for sure for another 2-3 days. I need a few more temps to confirm ovulation. The sad thing is that since I have "thought" I ovulated like 3 times now, and I "thought" Tim and I were safe to go without birth control, we have done so on a few occasions. While the potential for pregnancy is a LOOONNNGGG shot, there is still some potential. This is only a problem because pregnancy is one of those things I really LIKE TO PLAN! Ugh. Here is my current (and somewhat never-ending) cycle:
You can go to: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/35660 there you can see my charting homepage for a clearer and more detailed view of my chart.
The other portion of this is some new symptoms that have cropped up in conjunction with old symptoms. I am mostly concerned that all of these are indicative of a hormone imbalance, be it PCOS, Thyroid, or some other hormonal dysfunction. My "old" symptoms are:
- Low Thyroid function - but has been well controlled on meds
- skin tags
- thin/thinning hair
- dark pigmentation of skin folds and groin area
- low waking temps
- Long patches of fertile quality CM (more than 4-5 days)
- Ovarian cyst on right ovary that causes constant dull pain for most of cycle.
New symptoms are:
- dark hair growth on upper lip
- long cycles
- delayed ovulation/possible annovulatory cycles
- No clear thermal shifts confirming ovulation
I know that a few of my close friends have had PCOS or still have PCOS. Other close friends have had other non diagnosed hormonal imbalances. So I am hoping to hone in on the minds of my girls and the collective research we have all done to find some answers. I am really wanting to avoid things like Birth control pills, clomid or other fertility drugs if possible. Tim & I have been doing some soul searching on what these developments mean in terms of our family planning, but feel we don't have enough information yet. Please if you have information to share, do so!
Thanks so much!!!
I can't offer much, but my best advice would be...... If you're concerned that something may be amiss, don't try to self diagnose. You will only drive yourself crazy imagining all sorts of horrifying maladies. Make yourself an appointment and get your bloodwork done. It may be something, it may be nothing.....but only your doctor can tell you. Yes, bloodwork doesn't come cheap, but what's peace of mind worth? That's the route I took. True, they can't find a damn thing, but hey, I know what it's NOT!!!! :)
Well I had alot of trouble after Hanna was born with odd periods and no period for almost 4 months after I stoped breast feeding. Le your body do the rest and you know sometimes pregnancy can't be planned. I was 3 months pregnant by the time my body told me I was. Lots of negative blood work and tests. So sometimes they are not all right.Also you can "fool" your body into thinking you are pg even tho you aren't by wanting to be so bad. Its a mental thing that happens screws with your body. I would not worry to much but if you are seriously concerned go to a OB/GYN and have labs done and a full pelvic done. Have them run a lab test to check your estrogen/testosterone lvls. I had this done thats how we knew I went into early menopause. Yes I have been thru "the change" already at 30 it was official. Just please go to the DR and have them test ya. Good luck if you are TTC but remember the body will be the only one to decide if its right or not. Good luck and remember if ya need to talk I am here. Love ya!
I don't know what it is, but I think one or more doctors opinions would be good. Not just an endocrinologists opinion, but a weight-loss expert or an OB. I'm sort of in the same position with my insulin resistance/diabetes/PCOS now. I'm not looking to get pregnant again, but just feel like myself again. I understand now why I had to see a therapist after Duncan was born. The diabetic weight i gain after having a baby just shuts me down as a person. It isn't until that I lose at least 10% of my body weight that I feel better about myself -in all aspects. Weight gain is a huge hormonal problem for me - it may be for you too, now that we're getting older...not that we're old by any means, but...I don't know for sure. I just know I need to lose more than 20 lbs. to feel even a little better. -Steph
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