A few days before New Years in December 2005 My Uncle Ron was in a bad car accident. On January 1st, 2006 at around 2am he died. My Aunt Terrie and there 4 children were with him, as was I, other family members and friends.
In the past few days as the anniversary of his death approached my thoughts turned to him and his surviving family. As you can see in the pictures above, Ron loved babies. Anytime I was around with Kaleb or with Jasmyn he would hold, talk to, or in some interact with the kids. He was a good father, husband, son, uncle, brother and friend. He would help you if he could even if it was a hassle.
When Tim & I bought our house we were having some electrical problems during the first few weeks of living here. We had no money for an electrician. We needed help. I called and asked Uncle Ron for some guidance. Instead of just giving us some pointers, he and Terrie got into their car, drove an hour to get to our home, and he spent a few hours fixing our electrical problem. This included at least 1 and maybe 2 trips to the Hardware store. We were so thankful and still are for his helpfulness and love he showed us that day.
Uncle Ron also cosigned for my 1st car when I was 19. He let me live in his house when things at my home were rocky. He even drove 3 hrs down to Moscow to pick me up one night at like 9pm to take me back to live with him, Aunt Terrie and my Grandma. He loved me and he showed it in the most practical and awesome ways.
So now when I think of his passing and the 3 years he has been gone, I miss him, but I also think of all that he has missed. Two of his children are now married. Another of his children are engaged and planning a wedding. He has 3 grandchildren. I know it makes me sad to think that Trinity, Micah, and Abygail will never get to feel his arms around them, this side of heaven. I am sure his children and wife feel the same and more.
So Uncle Ron, I miss you. I miss your smile. I miss sharing chips and salsa with you. (Thank you for teaching me about NOT double dipping in the salsa.) I miss your fatherly guidance. I miss your steadfast stability that anchored your family and in turn was a good example to my family. You showed me what it was to be a good husband and father. When I went looking for a man to marry I looked for someone with your qualities. I am glad you met and loved Tim. I am even more glad that Tim is the type of man you were.
I love you Uncle Ron. I always will. You will live forever in my heart and in my memories. Thank you for being you. You are unforgettable.
I didn't get the joy of knowing Ron well, but I have spent enough time around his family to see a glimpse of what this man was like. His family is a testimony of his love. I look forward to knowing Ron "on the other side". :)
Ron was such a great person and I'm so glad he was a part of my families life. He had such a great sense of humor and could always find the humor no matter what. He is truly missed and what a great man he was.
Hey Jen
Thanks for the tribute to dad that was really awesome. It awesome to know that he touched so many lives. I hope that I can be half of a man that he was. He really was an amazing guy!
I remember when Ron was courting Terrie and the glow in Terrie's eyes that she found her soul mate. She not only married Ron but his three boys joined our family. What a great blessing that was. Ron was engaging, funny, had the best heart in opening his home to not only my children but several others. I miss him and expect to see him coming around a corner when I am at Terrie's. Ron's dedication to God,Terrie, his kids was an inspiration to behold. Ron would have doted on his grandbabies. I know Ron is in heaven waiting for Terrie as he hangs out with Jesus, his best friend.
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