For our family summer vacation we went on a camping trip. We went with Sara, Gerry and their kids. 6 kids, 4 adults... yeah we were outnumbered, but we still had a great time. We went up the North Fork of the
Coeur d' Alene River. From I-90 you take the Kingston Exit and head North. The road takes you along the river. The drive up there is just beautiful. The trees are so tall, the water is so clear, the mountains so big, the air so fresh. It is the most beautiful area I have ever seen. I just love it. It is peaceful, calm, serene and sacred. I just love it.
The best part about it is sharing it with the kids. I want them to remember how awesome it is and how beautiful our earth is and how we as a family enjoy that beauty. They loved running around in the trees and playing in the dirt. They spent
alot of time down at the river. We got to camp at one of Sara and
I's favorite spots. It has easy access to the river down a very short path. And the river is actually a stream feeding into the bigger river. The only bad part about that is that it is primarily from snow melt so the water is VERY cold. But it isn't as deep or as fast moving as the camp sites right on the river. We felt that given the kids ages and the ratio of kids to adult that shallow, slow moving water was a better idea. It worked out beautifully. We could see the kids from our camp site and the water was shallow enough that we felt the kids were very safe. They picked rocks, looked at the water, found crawdads, and water bugs. They spent most of the time in their swim suits when the weather was warm enough to, and sometimes when it wasn't!

The guys took some time to play paint ball on the other side of the road from our camp site. They enjoy
shooting each other with paint!
LOL! I have no idea why, but they love it, so we made sure they got kid free time to spend together doing something they love. And in turn they gave Sara and I some time to spend together. We did our outdoor spa
treatments and my fertility ritual that I previously blogged about
here. After the boys played paintball they let the kids shoot at a rock with the paint ball guns. When I saw these pictures when we returned home the only thing I could think of was Jeff
Foxworthy's comedy bit about, "you might be a redneck if....."
Well you might be a redneck
if you let your 2 year old son shoot a rock with a paintball gun!
The pure look of GLEE on his face!

Jasmyn's turn

Kaleb LOVED it! He thinks he wants to go play with Dad and Uncle Gerry next time. I think he can about 10 years!

Meals in the woods are always interesting. We try really hard to not just eat
hot dogs and hamburgers the entire 4 days. So this time Sara & I along with the
hot dogs and hamburgers brought along steak and potato salad, Stuff for Taco Salad (an adventure in cooking
in the woods to say the least), and we even served
Sauteed veggies with the steak. We "
sauteed" veggies over the campfire. Certainly not a recipe Martha Stewart would ask for, but tasty none the less.

We didn't have a lot of table space so the kids got to eat on a storage tub in their camp chairs. It worked pretty well.
Rowan sat in the high chair to eat.

The kids really enjoyed camping. They can't wait to go again. Next summer I am sure it will be the first outing we do!

They certainly baptized themselves with plenty of
CDA River Dirt! I wouldn't have it any other way!