Dave has certainly helped alot by doing things with the kids that provides interaction and some direct attention to them. We went swimming together and David swam underwater and "chased" the kids, he swam with Jasmyn in her life jacket to the deep end of the pool, and he played with a beach ball with Mason. These activities earned him some brownie points with the kiddos.
The next day we saw Dave the kids readily climbed into his lap. So I snapped a few pictures.
Dave & my kids

Then they decided to make silly faces.

Mason became very interested in David's tongue and how far he could stick it out. So Dave and Mason started sticking their tongues out at each other. Jasmyn joined in too.
Tongue lovin' fun!

What NONE of us expected was Mason combining the Tongue fun with his make believe cat personality. He meows at you, rubs against your leg and yes he licks you. All of these things he has seen our cats at home do. So Mason started trying to lick David.
David is NOT happy about this development!

Despite David's best efforts to avoid Mason's tongue but still play the tongue fun game with him.... well Dave got licked...... on his tongue.

He even gave Dave a little smooch to say "tanks for playing"

I give Dave all kinds of props for hanging with Mason during this playtime. I don't even let Mason lick me, let alone any where near my face. But Mason and Dave bonded over that little play session!
After that little play session it was time for dinner. Kaleb wanted to have a tea party. Basically with dinner he wanted to drink juice out of little tiny cups and use the little tiny tea pot to refill the cups over and over. Tea Parties are alot more fun if an adult joins in. Mom and I were still putting the finishing touches on our dinner so Dave sat down and joined the tea party.
Dave's 1st Tea Party!

Those cups look small in the kids hands but they look teeny tiny in Dave's big hands. LOL! He is a good sport!
I am so pleased David is home and that he is connecting with me and my children in such simple but meaningful ways. The kids are starting to make memories with their Uncle Dave. That is a huge part of childhood. Making memories with the ones you love. I feel so blessed that David can be part of making some happy memories with my children and myself.
1 comment:
OK those were some darn cute pics of David with the kids. It os awesome they get to know him.
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