Yesterday I was getting ready to mop the kitchen floor. So I moved all my kitchen chairs into the living room. I was walking by the chairs in a rapid pace to reach Mason before he got into something he wasn't supposed to be in. In my haste I stubbed my toe on one of my kitchen chairs. I stubbed it BAD. The chairs are wooden and it isn't the first time I have stubbed a toe on them. It hurt very bad and almost immediately started to swell and turn purple. But I could still walk on it so I just thought it was stubbed. Here it is about 3 hrs after it happened

As the day wore on I felt more pain and it was more swollen. Dave & Mom came over for dinner as well as our friend Landa. They all thought it was getting worse. So we took some more pictures as the night progressed.
When I compared the 2 sets of pictures there was NO denying that it was worse. I took some ibuprofen for the pain and tried to keep it elevated and even iced it for a while. After my guests left and I got the kids into bed I went to bed myself and slept with my foot elevated. In the morning I woke to see this:

Yeah I am pretty sure it is broken. Either that or it is VERY very badly bruised/stubbed. I don't think a Dr could do anything for it and I still can walk on it (albeit not for long periods of time). So I am hoping in few days/weeks I will be back to normal. I am way too busy to deal with a broken toe!

Ignore the fact that my feet are dirty. I was outside trying to help my very loving and helpful brother Dave. He had mercy on me and came over to mow my lawn. I wanted to get it done before Tim got home. Tim has been gone for a week and will be home on Sunday. We are not sure how many days he will get off. It may be just one before he goes back out of town. I did not want him to spend his one day off mowing the lawn, so I had planned on mowing it before he got home. When Dave heard I needed help with that he came over at like 8am to get it done for me. What a sweet brother!

Thanks Dave. You are my hero for the day!!!!!
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