August 23, 2008

Stepping onto my soap box

Grrrrr. I am feeling just out of sorts and sad. I have debated on whether or not to even post this little rant but I can' t (read:won't) rant at the people that I feel desire to be ranted at. But I still need to get all this angst off my chest. And of course it is always good when my friends will back me up (yes a blatant request for COMMENTS)...... Here goes.

Now anyone that has been around my kids for any length of time knows that they are good kids. I am not just saying that because they are my kids. People from all over my life had said so. Family members, friends, strangers, people at Walmart, their teachers, etc. In fact very few people have ever really seen them melt down or act out. And if they have witnessed the kids acting out they have also witnessed Tim or myself getting them back in line. Quickly. Quietly. CONSISTENTLY. I pride myself on being a good Mother. And I feel that I do the best I know to do. No I am not perfect. But I strive for well mannered, polite, respectful children everyday.

The other thing that anyone that has been around my kids will know is that they are KIDS. Kids to the core. They are loud, rowdy, talkative, and obnoxious. LOL! They like to run in the house, "pet " the cat (really that means pull her tail till she either scratches them or runs away), play with toys, wrestle with adults or another child, they will interact with any one that will give them their attention. There heads are like little sponges collecting any tidbits of knowledge that we adults lay down for them. They are learning about their world and how we interact with each other and with them. They are honest and forthcoming with their feelings and emotions. You never have to guess what my kid is feeling. They will let you know if they are hurt, sad, embarrassed, happy. Their faces are like an open book and they wear their hearts on their sleeves.

If you have read thus far you are probably wondering why I didn't want to post this. Seems pretty benign in terms of rants, right? Well we haven't gotten to the rant part yet.....

I want to just put notice out right here, right NOW. If you did not birth my child or take part in the conception you DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO YELL AT THEM. Yes that means you: Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, 2nd cousins twice removed, friends, teachers, principals, or Doctors. Do Not Yell At My Children. Now you can calmly quietly consistently stop the child from doing something that may harm themselves or someone else. You may remove items from their grasp that they may harm someone else or themselves with. You may speak to them in a calm voice and ask them to be quiet, stop doing something, or to do something. But you may not YELL at them.

My kids for the most part, by in large and every other word that indicates Most of the time are good kids. There is never a reason to yell at them. And honestly yelling does NOTHING but make you look like a raging out of control idiot. It certainly has NO EFFECT whatsoever on my kids in regard to getting them to do what you want them to. And you are likely to piss myself & Tim off in the process.

So if you are the type of person to lose control and yell at small children that are really just acting like small children perhaps we should get to together for dinner in the year 2024. By then my small children will have grown up to be wonderful respectful, brilliant adults and perhaps you will have gained some perspective.

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