May 30, 2008
Cycle Day 82....And all is well. (yeah, right)
Keep me in your thoughts and prayers that the progesterone works and that I ovulate soon!
Preschool Appreciation Celebration
Jasmyn is the blond in the front row with the turquoise Capri pants on with the flowered shirt. Future is in a blue shirt 2 rows up and slightly to the left of Jasmyn and Kaleb is 1 row above Future in a tanish cream colored shirt.
Here is the link to my youtube account so that you can see all 5 songs and other videos of the kids: http://www.youtube.com/user/kalico24
more to come...
I will be back soon with more fun stuff.
Part of our village
This past year our family has been involved in the ECEAP program in our local school district. ECEAP is a preschool program much like the long ago program called Headstart. I went to Headstart as a 3 & 4 year old girl. I remember the building I attended it in and the people that taught me and some of the fun events we did. It was a good experience and one that a lifetime later, I still remember and remember fondly. When I signed the kids up for ECEAP I was hoping very much that my kids would have a great experience as well. I am so very pleased that they got the same great experience in this preschool, that I had 30 years ago in my preschool.
From the Social worker who placed Kaleb & Future & Jasmyn in their classes and supported our family, to the teachers in those classes to the parents of the other preschoolers in the class, we had the most awesome experience this year. Becky was our social worker, Casey, Melissa, Carol were Jasmyn & Future's teachers and Teacher Rozell, Marion and Julie were Kaleb's teachers. We also had some awesome Moms that volunteered in the classroom with me. Caitlyn's Mom and also Keira and Dayja's Mom were such a great influence on the kids and the classroom in general.
I can not say enough good things or even find the words to express how much I appreciate these wonderful women. Here are just a few pictures of my favorite preschool teachers....
I feel very blessed to have these lovely ladies as part of the village that loves and supports my children.
May 29, 2008
Jump & Bounce Field Trip!
Past weekend
Keagan & Sierra. They are so sweet together.
First Haircuts
He even got brave enough to stand and let her do the back! Such a Big Boy!
Handsome boy!
May 22, 2008

Here is his partner in crime, Jasmyn. But notice how clean she looks compared to him?!?!? I think she helps get him dirty! The cup in his hand is also full of dirt!
I swear we bathe him every other day whether he needs it or not!
May 21, 2008
Update from Dr Appt
That is the plan anyway. We shall see what happens. I also have an appt with my Endocrinologist the first week of June. I think he will most likely do the blood draws I need. I will keep you all posted.
Jasmyn & Scissors
Me: Jasmyn did you cut your hair?
J: No.
Me: Jasmyn some of your hair is missing. Are you SURE you didn't cut your hair?
J: No. I didn't Mom.
Me: Jasmyn how did this hair come off?
J: Yes Mom I cut it.
Me: Why did you cut it?
J: I didn't know WHAT I was doing.
Me: Where is your hair?
J: Downstairs.
Me: Show me.
So we go down stairs and she has shoved the cut off locks in between the cushions of the couch downstairs. Here is what I found:

Thankfully her hair was pulled up in the front so she couldn't cut bangs for herself. But she cut the length off in the back. Here are some pictures.

I feel absolutely sick about this. And it is partially my fault. I was napping with Mason while Tim was downstairs trying to work on his man room. She and Kaleb were in the rec room supposed to be watching a movie on Daddy's TV and she found a pair of scissors on the desk. The rec room is not a room they usually have access to without Adult supervision. But Tim was putting mud on some new drywall, and I was sleeping, so they had semi- unsupervised access. Tim was in the next room, but I guess hair cutting is quiet work! LOL!
She also cut Kaleb's sock and a pair of Kaleb's pants. Grrrrrrr.
So I guess that Jasmyn & I will have to get to the salon tomorrow to have it evened out. I am so sad.

Her hair has been a source of struggle for me. I have not had curly hair other than perms in my whole life. And those of you with curly hair know that caring for curls is very different than caring for straight hair. But through trial and error I have found that one thing is the best weapon in her arsenal..... WATER. I seriously just spray her hair with a water, maybe a splash of detangler, comb it out, throw a pony tail holder in it and scrunch the rest. Perfect curls every time. And when it rains or is humid, her hair looks it's best. *sigh* I wish mine was that easy. LOL!
The only thing that does cause problems is that her hair sometimes gets frizzy. But I am guessing some mousse or gel would cut that problem out completely. Anyone with curly hair have some tips that makes hair not frizzy but also NOT crunchy or wet looking? But her hair is gorgeous, right?!!!?!?!?!?!? I am only a bit biased.
Jasmyn also LOVES to play dress-up. She has a variety of dress up clothes from Ballet Tu Tus to Long Princess dresses. She always find interesting combinations to put together. Here are a few pictures of some of her outfits! I personally love the bunny ears, with the tutu and the animal print leggings! It kinda reminds me of something Dyani or Brook would wear at the same age.
Future also loves to play dress up. He especially likes to help Jasmyn pick out her clothes! He often helps her dress up as a "princess" so he can "marry her". Very cute! So here is Jasmyn as a Bride and her Outfit coordinator, Future.
May 19, 2008
Step 2 To a healthy family!!!!
Menus planned for dinners this week:
BBQ Chicken legs (minus the skin), green salad, potatoes and onions grilled, watermelon
Beef & Chicken kabobs with Onion, mushroom, bell peppers, pineapple
Spaghetti sauce with whole wheat noodles, green salad and french bread
Taco salad with Gr. beef, Kidney beans, Salad, Cheese, olives, tomatoes, avocado, sour cream, and salsa
Hamburgers grilled with all the fixings, fruit salad, baked beans, raw veggies.
I am sure we will have left overs on one or more of those days. So that will get us through the week.
Surprisingly I am pretty proud of myself!
What is Step 3? hummmmm......................Getting everyone on a better sleep schedule and in their own bed!
Mason recently started climbing out of his crib. So he is now in a toddler bed. The down side of course is that he can get out of the toddler bed and move around. He can even open doors now. So it has been a bit of a struggle to get him to take nap or go to bed at night. Last night he fell asleep in his bed to only wake up and then he wouldn't go back to sleep in his bed. He ended up in bed with me at 2am and slept through the night. This is NOT a habit I want to form since he was sleeping so well in his crib.
And as with any transition from baby to toddler hood comes a period of separation anxiety with Mason. As he gets more freedom he needs more stability from me.
We don't really have a good plan as far as Mason's sleeping goes. With Jasmyn & Kaleb they moved from co-sleeping with me into a full size bed co-sleeping together. It has just been in the last year that they have slept in separate twin beds. Neither of them ever slept in the crib at all. So this is all very new to have a child climb out of a crib. I am a bit unprepared. Any suggestions?
We are marching forward to a healthier Jen and a healthier family.
May 18, 2008
Step one to a healthy me....
The confession: For the past month we have been battling sick bugs, hives, puking an the lot. Our appetites have been a bit off. Some nights I could not bear the thought of actually cooking, so we have lived off Mac N Cheese, chicken nuggets, microwavable corn dogs, PB & J and fast food. Occasionally when Tim was home or one of us made it to the store we would stock up on Milk, eggs, Go-gurts, Bananas, strawberries, grapes, and oranges. The kids would eat those things for snacks. But this way of eating is not good. This must end! LOL!
My Cycle **Update**
In an effort to be prepared and know what questions to ask at my Dr.appt next week I was doing some reading online at the PCOS websites. Once you start reading about infertility and PCOS you also come across articles explaining other hormonal reasons that a women might not be Ovulating, and therefore infertile. One of those reasons is an increase in the hormone prolactin. Prolactin's main purpose in a women's body is to help her produce Breast milk and also suppress ovulation while a women is breastfeeding. We were made that way so that during the early nursing period a women could not get pregnant and therefore help the survival of the nursling. Makes sense, No? Anyway, a women can have elevated levels of prolactin while NOT lactating and it can cause infertility due to suppression of Ovulation.
There are several reason for an unhealthy increase in prolactin levels, but the ones that "fit" with me are stress and an increase in prolactin due to a problem with Thyroid. Since we all know I have a thyroid problem it isn't that far of a stretch to think that my thyroid could be causing an increase in my prolactin levels.
This is leading me to believe that I should actually cancel my appt with my OB/Gyn (who would probably try BCP first, which I would object to) and just get in to see my endocrinologist. I would think that he would have a better grasp of the way my thyroid problem may play a part in my infertility. He may also be able to determine if my thyroid problem in and of itself is the cause for my infertility.
So I am still trying to figure it all out. But at least I have a path to follow now. It may not lead to answers, but at least we can eliminate some of the possibilities if nothing else. If anyone has any information that might be useful to me in this quest, I would appreciate you sending it along my way.
May 16, 2008
Trying to take care of me.
Right now I have a MAJOR throat infection. Not strep, but a bacteria infection none the less. I am on ABX for it, but I am still miserable. Also the DR suspects a sinus infection just to throw another log onto the fire! LOL! And my menstrual cycle is all whacked out. Day 68 of my cycle and no Ovulation, no period and no pregnancy. Something is NOT right. (I have a Dr appt scheduled for next week) My body is screaming...... SLOW DOWN! REST! REPLENISH!
I am going to try very hard to keep my life as simple as possible over the summer. I will eat right. I will drink enough water. I will get enough rest. I will exercise more often. I will try to use yoga or meditation to reduce my stress load and feel more centered and grounded in my body mind and soul. Also I would like to HAVE FUN! Fun with my kids, friends, family. So if you are around and want to do something fun, invite me! I need some fun!
Does anyone have a good recommendation on a once a day multi vitamin that they take? Maybe something geared towards women of child bearing age?
Wish me luck!!!!!
The Moon is Sad...
Jasmyn gets in the car and the conversation goes something like this:
J: Hey is that the moon? is it full?
Gma: yes Jasmyn it is full.
J: Momma the Moon is sad.
Me: Why is the Moon sad?
J: because we didn't get any dessert.
Gma: Why would the moon be sad over you not having dessert?
J: Because the Moon wants us to eat ice cream.
Now who can refuse the moon? LOL! So we drove to DQ. I ask the kids what they want. Kaleb says a Cherry Dilly Bar. Mason says yes when I ask him if he wants a chocolate one.
Me: Jasmyn what do you want?
J: a chocolate one with that white stuff in the middle.
Kaleb: Jasmyn, ahhh it's Ice Cream, Heeeeellllllloooooooo.
Me(trying not to laugh): Kaleb don't be rude to your sister.
J: Yes I would like a Chocolate one.
We order, pay and get our dessert.
Gma: Jasmyn is the Moon happy now?
J: Yes Grandma. We have our ice cream, the moon is very happy.
Kaleb: The moon is following us. See him walking right above us.
J: The Moon doesn't have toes, Kaleb!!!(laughing)
Gma: It is shaped like a ball, do you think it rolls to follow us?
J & K: (laughing) Noooooo.
J: it just goes like this...(hold hand up and acts like Moon is an airplane flying next to us.)
Their little imaginations work overtime. And I feel so blessed when they share their perspective of the world with me. It is a much pretty picture through a child's eyes.
Unable to stop myself!
I have tried to help these 2 teens in the best way I could. Get CPS or Police involved, offer them a place to stay until a suitable home is found, etc. Unfortunately on both occasions the allegations were hard to prove and ultimately the children have remained or have been returned to their parents. Basically until the parents hurt them enough that Police feel there is eminent threat to their lives, they just have to stay and wait for the next beating.
In these 2 situations I have tried to grasp what I was supposed to learn from my involvement in the cases. Up until today, all I had gleaned was a healthy disdain for "the system" and these "parents" and the lack of laws to protect kids in crappy homes. But then a quote came across my email inbox:
This quote helped me realize that the reason these kids come to me is because they know I will put my neck out for them. They know I love children and want to foster resilience and help them succeed. They know I will NOT be silent about things that matter. I will stand up and speak for those that are unable to due to fear, abuse and neglect. They know from the first time they met me that I will connect with them and give them respect and support that they may not be getting from anywhere else.
And maybe the reason I connect with these kids is because I remember my own teen years. With all of my brother's antics and my Mom trying to go to school full time, work full time and keep track of us, well I looked for mentors outside my family. I was fortunate enough to find some great women to look to and to model my behavior after in addition to the groundwork my Mom already laid down, to become a successful member of society and someone I can be proud of. It truly does take a village to raise a child.
So even though in helping a teen last night I kinda got burned, I still feel a calling to help those children who can't speak for themselves. I can not be silent about things that matter because our children matter the most!
And I also want to thank my Mom, Grandma Jean, Aunt Terrie, Aunt Jeana, Aunt Kathy, Clare, Margi, Nola, Sara, Stephanie, Sarah, Megan, Jana and Vanessa for all the love and support you gave me and the helping me along. Even though some of us girls were walking the same line on the same journey we held each other up.
I will continue to mentor kids, speak the truth, and try to help, (albeit a bit more cautiously after last night), if nothing else but to pay forward all the help I received growing up!
May 13, 2008
Never ending cycle......
I will Keep you posted!
Kaleb & the Poppers!
Just an update....
Jasmyn's hives are all gone now. She isn't itchy anymore either. We still don't know if it was from the laundry soap or the virus itself. But I guess it really doesn't matter. I know to NOT change her laundry soap now. And if it is the virus, well there is nothing anyone can do about that, since it is within her body chemistry. Thank God for Benedryl or I doubt we would have gotten any sleep!
~Some content deleted~
I have some more stuff I want to blog about. I need to upload some new videos to Youtube. But once I get that done I will get busy getting things blogged.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We feel them!
May 5, 2008
May 4, 2008
Day 56 and counting...
Yeah. I am gonna give it one more week. If No obvious thermal shift or no bleeding I will call and make an appointment with the Dr. Grrrrr. What a total pain in the butt.
I will keep you posted.
Puking, Diarreah and now HIVES, Oh my!
We initially thought that it may have been some laundry soap/fabric softener I was forced to use. See due to all the messes of being sick we had LOTS of loads of laundry, and I ran out of laundry soap. My Mom had left some of her laundry soap here after doing laundry st time and so I borrowed enough to do a load of Jasmyn's bedding. Her sheets, blanket, and pillowcase. So after she threw up the last time Tim put the clean sheets that were washed in the new soap on her bed along with her blanket and put her to bed that night. In the morning she woke up all itchy. Her arms, legs, feet and face were covered in hives. I put some anti itch cream on it and took her to the pharmacy. I asked the pharmacist about what to give her and he said Benadryl. I asked about dosage and he asked how much she weighed and said about 1/2 a tsp. So I bought the Benadryl and gave her 1/2 a tsp. She was still itchy and miserable. I used the anti itch cream again. It provides some relief. I give her doses of Benadryl as prescribed by the pharmacist. We rewashed her sheets in the normal laundry soap. I remade her bed in sheets that were just in the linen closet and had NOT been washed recently. Last night she slept fine (meaning she did not stir enough to wake me up). This morning her hives are WORSE. She is WAY MORE itchy and cranky. Here are some pictures:
After seeing that the hives were WORSE this morning I called the Pediatrician Triage office. From my description of the hives and Jasmyn's recent illness, the nurse said it could be 2 things: Hives from an allergic reaction to the Laundry Soap. Or Hives from an allergic reaction to the toxins released in her body from the virus she had. Either way she is miserable. Treatment is just Benadryl and Hydro cortisone cream. The nurse did give me the correct dosage on the Benadryl though. She actually can have 1 1/2 tsp of Benadryl instead of the 1/2 tsp the Pharmacist said. I was way under dosing her yesterday which maybe why the hives are worse today. I also gave her an oatmeal bath to help the stinging and burning. It seemed to help take her mind off the itching.
If anyone has suggestions on how to make her more comfortable, I would love your suggestions! Also send a prayer or positive thought up for us that she gets to feeling better soon.