May 13, 2008

Just an update....

We chased the flu outta our house to only be revisited this morning. Ugh. Both Kaleb & Mason are sick with the Diarrhea. Poor kids. I guess Diarrhea is better than puking, but only slightly. LOL! I am hoping that good hand washing practices, no food sharing and changing the hand towels frequently will help. I also think I may need to buy some stock in Clorox Wipes, since we use them all the time in the bathroom, door handles, and to clean the changing table!

Jasmyn's hives are all gone now. She isn't itchy anymore either. We still don't know if it was from the laundry soap or the virus itself. But I guess it really doesn't matter. I know to NOT change her laundry soap now. And if it is the virus, well there is nothing anyone can do about that, since it is within her body chemistry. Thank God for Benedryl or I doubt we would have gotten any sleep!

~Some content deleted~

I have some more stuff I want to blog about. I need to upload some new videos to Youtube. But once I get that done I will get busy getting things blogged.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. We feel them!

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