May 4, 2008

Puking, Diarreah and now HIVES, Oh my!

Well I *thought* we were on the mend. Future hasn't been sick at all since Monday night. Kaleb has not been sick since Thursday night. Mason hasn't been sick since Thursday around 6pm. Jasmyn has not vomit ted since Friday morning. I have been OK since Yesterday. Ahhh relief right?!?!? Well,yes and NO. Yes in that no more diarrhea or puking. But suddenly Jasmyn has HIVES.
We initially thought that it may have been some laundry soap/fabric softener I was forced to use. See due to all the messes of being sick we had LOTS of loads of laundry, and I ran out of laundry soap. My Mom had left some of her laundry soap here after doing laundry st time and so I borrowed enough to do a load of Jasmyn's bedding. Her sheets, blanket, and pillowcase. So after she threw up the last time Tim put the clean sheets that were washed in the new soap on her bed along with her blanket and put her to bed that night. In the morning she woke up all itchy. Her arms, legs, feet and face were covered in hives. I put some anti itch cream on it and took her to the pharmacy. I asked the pharmacist about what to give her and he said Benadryl. I asked about dosage and he asked how much she weighed and said about 1/2 a tsp. So I bought the Benadryl and gave her 1/2 a tsp. She was still itchy and miserable. I used the anti itch cream again. It provides some relief. I give her doses of Benadryl as prescribed by the pharmacist. We rewashed her sheets in the normal laundry soap. I remade her bed in sheets that were just in the linen closet and had NOT been washed recently. Last night she slept fine (meaning she did not stir enough to wake me up). This morning her hives are WORSE. She is WAY MORE itchy and cranky. Here are some pictures:

After seeing that the hives were WORSE this morning I called the Pediatrician Triage office. From my description of the hives and Jasmyn's recent illness, the nurse said it could be 2 things: Hives from an allergic reaction to the Laundry Soap. Or Hives from an allergic reaction to the toxins released in her body from the virus she had. Either way she is miserable. Treatment is just Benadryl and Hydro cortisone cream. The nurse did give me the correct dosage on the Benadryl though. She actually can have 1 1/2 tsp of Benadryl instead of the 1/2 tsp the Pharmacist said. I was way under dosing her yesterday which maybe why the hives are worse today. I also gave her an oatmeal bath to help the stinging and burning. It seemed to help take her mind off the itching.

If anyone has suggestions on how to make her more comfortable, I would love your suggestions! Also send a prayer or positive thought up for us that she gets to feeling better soon.

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