He is talking up a storm although you still have to have a "Degree" in Mason-ese to fully understand him. He adds new words to his vocabulary everyday. But his favorite words are still: Momma, Dad, No, Yeah, Want that, and MINE! And as with all our kids we teach them, "please" and "thank you" long before they understand the importance of such words. He will say his version of Thank you and then beam the biggest smile at you! The smile gets his point across even if the words are not quite clear yet.
Here are a few pictures of our little man being: All Boy!
This is at Future's B-day Party and he has traces of Chocolate from the M&Ms he snatched from the pinata treat bowl!

This is one taken after he was done playing outside. Yup all that brown is DIRT! He seems quite pleased with himself!

Here is his partner in crime, Jasmyn. But notice how clean she looks compared to him?!?!? I think she helps get him dirty! The cup in his hand is also full of dirt!
I swear we bathe him every other day whether he needs it or not!
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