June 9, 2008

Busting out the BIG Guns!

Yup. I had to break down and do it.... I had to go to my OB/Gyn and ask for Provera. Ugh. Let me explain....

About 3 weeks ago I went to my OB/Gyn to ask for help with my cycle from hell. At that time she said that I needed to repeat the pregnancy test in 2 weeks and once it was negative she would give me "something" to trigger my period to start. Well I thought that perhaps the "something" they would give me was just progesterone. And since I already had some prescription progesterone I just started taking it since I knew I wasn't pregnant. The Dr needed to chart that I was not pregnant to CYA, before giving me anything. Anyway, I started to take the progesterone last week and still no period. I am on day 92 of my cycle. Yes you read that right. Ninety-two day cycle. nine two. 9 - 2. So today out of desperation I called the OB/Gyn and went in for a pregnancy test (which by the way costs $25, highway robbery if you ask me). Pregnancy test was negative just like I thought. But for my $25 I did get the prescription for the Super Progesterone, aka: Provera.

The Pharmacist told me that it will make me sick to my stomach, possibly lightheaded and dizzy. Oh Lucky me.... I get to go through all the crappy side effects and THEN get my period! Woot.... I can't wait. LOL! The only glimmer of sunshine in this whole mess is that the Provera is on Walmart's $4 prescription list. So at least I only had to pay $29 for my period. hahahaha

I start taking the Provera tomorrow and will take it for 5 days. It might take up to another week or 10 days for my period to actually. I will be waiting with baited breath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh man that sucks but maybe this will hep ya get your body back into normal mode!!