June 4, 2008

I Heart Co-sleeping!

A few weeks ago I posted about Mason climbing outta his crib and that now we were unsure what to do with him as far as sleeping goes. Well I think we have a solution!

Co-Sleeping! No, not with me. With his brother! Let me explain....Kaleb & Jasmyn were sleeping in bunk beds. Mason knows how to climb up the ladder, but can't seem to get down the ladder or at least he usually falls while trying. So obviously we could not move Mason into that room with his brother with the ladder and the bunk beds. So yesterday we decided to make Mason's old room the "dressing/changing room" and Jasmyn & Kaleb's bedroom the "sleeping room". We moved the dressers outta Kaleb's room into Mason's room which freed up a bunch of space and then pulled the top bunk off and set the beds side by side. Kaleb's bed that used to be the top bunk has a rail all the way around it with the exception of a space to climb in and out at the bottom. We left the rail on the bed to keep the boys from falling out of bed. Last night we put the boys down together and Jasmyn in her bed right next to the boys bed. We turned on the night light and within a half an hour they were ASLEEP. The reason it took 1/2 hr was due to getting the giggles out and the newness of the sleeping arrangement! But no tears from any of them and they all stayed in their beds ALL NIGHT LONG. Tim & I had no midnight visitors or midnight wakings. It was fantastic! Why didn't I do this a month ago? LOL

I remember as a child always climbing into bed with David to sleep. I had my own room and my own bed, but I always ended up in his bed or him in mine. I also seem to recall My mom sleeping with her sisters when she was little. Maybe it was Jeana and Kathy that always slept together? I know for them it was partially a space issue or lack of extra bed issue. But I think that despite that issue the girls enjoyed sleeping together. I think it gives a fosters a closer bond between siblings and a sense of protecting each other, even if it is just from the "monsters" under the bed.

When I asked Kaleb this morning how he slept he said "good, and Mason was a big brave boy and fell asleep without crying Mom. I am so proud of him". Mason was just beaming when he heard Kaleb say that about him. I was so proud of both my boys! I asked them if they wanted to sleep together tonight and they both said "Yeah!" . I say " Yay yay yay!" I am really hoping this will cut down on the midnight visitors to my bed and that everyone will sleep better!

Oh I hope this works..... I will keep you posted!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah even now all 3 of the girls will sleep in 1 bed at times. They all have their own rooms but once in a while we find all 3 in bed sleeping. Especially if Mel or Hanna has a bad night they go to each other now instead of us. Kinda nice to be able to sleep lol