June 15, 2008

Lots of random things to say.....

Hi to all my readers out in Blogger land. I haven't updated in a few days because I have been very busy working on the final preparations for throw some friends a birthday party. It was a 1950's sock hop theme party. It was VERY fun. It was alot of work. I am glad after putting all the extra work in that the party was a success! I will post more about this event a bit later. I have some fun pictures to share.

As some of you may have been wondering, I did finally hear back from my Endocrinologist on Thursday of last week. I have officially been diagnosed with PCOS and Insulin Resistance (IR). My blood work confirms an elevated ratio of LH to FSH and also an elevated fasting glucose level. I guess the LH to FSH indicates the PCOS and the Elevated glucose level indicated IR, which is a precursor to diabetes. When I received the official diagnosis I felt like someone punched me in the stomach. My diagnosis was sent in a letter and reading the phrase "these findings indicate that you are at increased risk for the onset of type 2 diabetes" was very scary and upsetting. Yuck. The treatment is of course diet changes and exercise plus the drug Metformin. Here is a blurb from Wikipedia on Metformin:

Metformin (trade names Glucophage, Riomet, Fortamet,
Glumetza, Obimet, Diabex, Diaformin, and others) is an oral anti-diabetic drug
from the biguanide class. It is the drug of choice for the treatment of
type 2 diabetes, particularly in overweight and obese people and those with
normal kidney function, and evidence suggests it may be the best choice for
people with heart failure.

Metformin is the most popular anti-diabetic drug in the United States and one of the most prescribed drugs in the country overall, with nearly 35 million prescriptions filled in 2006 for generic metformin alone. It is also used in the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome. (PCOS)

I have not started the Metformin yet, the nurse did not get it called into the pharmacy in time for us to pick up it before we left for the weekend. I have also done some reading on Metformin and it does cause some stomach upset with diarrhea. Basically the people I have connected with online have said not to be too far away from a bathroom until you know how your body will react to the meds. So this week should be interesting, I am starting the Metformin tomorrow and I just got done with the Provera to bring on my period. My period should start this week, along with the potentially for sickness with the Metformin. Hopefully I am just expecting the worst and will be pleasantly surprised with no side effects from the Met and a lighter than light period! LOL! I am supposed to go to Seattle next weekend for a Birthday party, I hope I can still make it.

Kaleb lately has been missing Future alot. He keeps asking me when we can go pick Future up. It makes me very sad that I can't just drive up and get Future. Kaleb just really does not understand why I can't. And honestly I am not sure I understand either. That makes it hard to explain to a 5 year old. I emailed the social worker and asked for some visitations. We will see what they say. I emailed on Friday, hopefully she will get back to me on Monday. Hopefully we will be able to see him soon. I know he probably misses us as much as we miss him.

Since we were out of town for Father's day and Tim had to work today, we are celebrating on Wednesday. But for all you Dads out there:

Happy Father's Day

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