June 29, 2008

Open Book

Someone that I know and love recently connected with this blog. She was SHOCKED at the content and how much personal stuff I share. I think the most disturbing to her was the period updates and the TTC stuff. LOL!

If you didn't know this about me already.... If you ask I will tell you. If you don't ask but I want to share I will tell you. If you don't want to know but I think you should know to help you understand me, the situation or the issue better, I will tell you. I am kinda an open book.

It is actually comical because I was just thinking last week that there are a few topics that I would LOVE to blog about, but due to confidentiality agreements I can't! Who Knew.... here I thought I was actually censoring myself!

All I can say dear readers is that I try really hard to title my blogs so that you have an idea what I am gonna talk about. If you don't want to hear about my TTC journey, my period, or my cycle.... Don't read blogs with those labels or tags!

I hope that you continue to read and that you understand why I blog! And if you don't then perhaps you should read this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It work's. I blogged for a while or just sent e-mails to everyone about whatever was on my mind. Now I journal more often now. It is amazing how dealing with life through expression (Written) really helps us view our situtaion better. I also love being able to tune into the happenings of the Bray Bunch when a phone call just doesn't fit in, I feel kept in the loop and really enjoy staying a part of your everyday issues good, bad, adventurous or comical... Love you. -Sarah P.