How could you NOT love a back yard when my beautiful kids are playing in it!
It was a very hot day and they wanted to play in the sprinkler.

Even Mason got in on the fun!

Then they discovered that if you cinched the hose it would stop the sprinkler and then when you let go you could squirt the unsuspecting sibling standing by the sprinkler.
Like this:

And This:

Mason stayed out of the way and just enjoyed watching!

Her reaction is hysterical.
What did she THINK was gonna happen?!?!?!?!

Here are a few more of Mason.
Sitting on the porch next to Dad watching his siblings get wet.
Here is one of my new favorites of Jasmyn. All sweet, a little sassy and lots of wild curly hair.
This really does capture her personality!

I love my backyard because my children enjoy playing in it so much.It reminds me of the house I grew up in on Ruth Street. The yard was fenced in and green and David and I spent many hot summer days playing in the sprinklers, watering the grass, doing yard work but mostly having fun. I love that my kids get to make those memories in our back yard! They get to climb the tree, dig holes in the yard to drive their cars in, pick the neighbors flowers that peek through our fence, pick Dandelions and act like they are prize roses when they give them to me. I love that they find bugs to play with, pull leaves off the tree branches to make "salad", and bury their past beloved pets out by the fence. This was really what I envisioned when we bought this house and starting making our family. I am so glad to see my dreams come true in such simple and wonderful ways!
This really does capture her personality!

I love my backyard because my children enjoy playing in it so much.It reminds me of the house I grew up in on Ruth Street. The yard was fenced in and green and David and I spent many hot summer days playing in the sprinklers, watering the grass, doing yard work but mostly having fun. I love that my kids get to make those memories in our back yard! They get to climb the tree, dig holes in the yard to drive their cars in, pick the neighbors flowers that peek through our fence, pick Dandelions and act like they are prize roses when they give them to me. I love that they find bugs to play with, pull leaves off the tree branches to make "salad", and bury their past beloved pets out by the fence. This was really what I envisioned when we bought this house and starting making our family. I am so glad to see my dreams come true in such simple and wonderful ways!
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