June 20, 2008

Update & The White House Grill

Hi all my readers out in blog land. I hope that you are all doing well. And I hope that I don't bore you to tears with all my updates! LOL!

So my period arrived and the first day I was encouraged that it might be a nice and easy one. By day 2 my dreams were crushed! I feel like tampons at this point are a little like spitting into a hurricane, or in other words: useless! Last night Tim and I were celebrating Father Day by going to a Movie and to dinner. We saw "Don't mess with the Zohan", which was very funny, but way too long for a girl in my condition! hahahaha

We also went to a restaurant in Post Falls called The White House Grill. They serve Mediterranean food. We ate Lamb and Chicken in the best sauces and with the best pasta. It was heavenly. When we left we both felt like we were seeping garlic from every pore. Good thing I LOVE Garlic. It was so good and I would recommend it to anyone, but especially those that love garlic and trying something new. Also they have a belly dancer for entertainment on Thursday nights. She was very good and extremely friendly. I really would love to have our next girls night out there on a Thursday night. We could all try belly dancing with her. It looked like loads of fun.

On my way home after dropping the babysitter off (and running to wal-mart for more period supplies) I was blessed to see the beautiful Moon. She was low to the ground and oh so full. More yellow than white, and simply the most beautiful Moon I have seen in a long time. Seems fitting that the Moon was low and full considering the state of my uterus at the same moment. It made me smile.

This morning I had to cancel our plans to drive to Seattle to see my friend Stephanie and her family. Her children Duncan and Sophie are turning 6 and 1. Their party is this weekend and I really wanted to go, but between the period from hell and the Metformin still doing a number on my stomach and intestines, I figured I should not be locked in a car for 4 hrs. Stephanie was understanding, but we are both very disappointed. When Sophie was born last year I drove over to help Stephanie and Mark while she was in labor and got to witness Sophie's birth! It was really awesome, so I was so looking forward to celebrating Sophie's 1st birthday with Stephanie and her family. Ugh. I am disappointed that it didn't work out. Dear little Sophie.... I am with you in spirit and wishing you and your big brother Duncan a very special Happy Birthday!

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