June 5, 2008


Well I went to the Dr. He said that most likely my symptoms are from PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome). He is doing a bunch of blood tests to figure it out for sure. Test include levels for: Prolactin, Testosterone, LH, FSH, DHEAS, Basic Metobolic panel(includes insulin), and a Thyroid Panel. Most of those tests have to be done fasting, so I plan to go get them done in the morning. He was fairly certain of his diagnosis even without the blood tests. So much so he talked about treatment of PCOS. His treatment plan is 3 fold. 1) diabetic diet with emphasis on portion control. 2) regular exercise 3) Medication ~ metformin.

Dr. is not so concerned about weight loss as he is on the benefits to your body's metabolism that exercise offers. I guess it helps your body process sugar and insulin more effectively. And of course eating right would have the same effect in terms of blood sugar and insulin. And then the meds would keep everything even, I guess.

I am still doing research on Metformin. I have heard you can't take it while pregnant. So I am not sure what his plan would be for that. I am a bit leery of taking medications in general. That part of the treatment plan is the most difficult for me to get on board with. I mean I already take a Thyroid pill and Prozac on a daily basis. Good grief, I really don't want to take another pill.

Overall the news is disturbing. I am not handling it very well emotionally. I am hoping that I just need to process it and then I will feel better. But another part of me is in denial and wants to wait for confirmation from the blood test before believing it is true. I am guessing that after the blood test results come back I will be more inclined to do more research.

But for tonight I would like to stick my head in the sand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well you can take Metformin while you are pregnant. I took it when pg with Ash and as far as being on it be careful your blood sugars can drop suddenly. I am supposed to be on that now but with no insurance can't afford it so I just test BS alot and know the feeling of low/ high sugars. Good luck. Just out of curiosity did ya have gestational diabetes? Thats when they put me on meds was when I was PG with Ash and have been on and off them since then. With Hanna they were worried after I had her that is why I passed out High BS not loss of blood. Come to find out BS was elevated but loss of blood is why I passed out. So good luck and I hope test are all good. If you do have to be on metformin make sure to ask how many times a day u need to test your BS so you don't crash!!